Talking Grit: A Detroit Lions Podcast

Episode 1: Learning to Talk Grit

Jason Harwood / Jacob Litton Season 1 Episode 1

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Jacob and Jason introduce themselves to the listeners.  They talk about their favorite all time Lion as well their current favorite(s).   They finally share their outlook on the 2024 season.

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Jason Harwood:

Welcome everyone to Talking Grit. We are brought to you by Monroe County Reporters, Monroe's top news source for police, law Fire and community events. Follow them on Facebook and for 99 cents a month, you can become a subscriber and get news even faster. I'm Jason Harwood and with me is Jacob Litton.

Jacob Litton:

So about when I first became a Lions fan, it's hard to imagine hard to picture when I wasn't a Lions fan because I think pretty much when I started being a football fan is when I started becoming more conscious of what the Lions were doing. So I started thinking about who was the quarterback when I first really started paying attention and that was actually Joey Harrington. But those were tougher times to say that's when I started really remembering and started paying attention what was going on. But if you remember, Joey Harrington was on the cover of the college football game high draft pick, high hopes. was all in and, was crushed for a little while, but, I'm still here. Things are looking up that's been 20 years ago. Who was the quarterback when you first became a fan?

Jason Harwood:

So I had the three headed monster, and this is gonna be maybe a little bit before your time is gonna show my age, but it was Andre Ware, Eric Kramer, and Rodney Peet. It was like, they drafted Andre Ware in 1990. He was a run and shoot quarterback. He had like ungodly numbers at Houston. But he never worked out. Rodney Peet was like a fifth or sixth round pick And Eric Kramer he was not drafted at all, and he was like a replacement player, I think, and started in in the late 80s, so you have a first round pick just getting beat out by replacement players and then after the, that 300 monster moved into the Scott Mitchell era I have mixed feelings about the Scott Mitchell era. Cause he made some boneheaded plays, but. He did lead like an awesome offense. I think it was 95. They had a really good offense. Herman Moore, Brett Perriman were just, leading the league in receptions. They had Barry in the backfield, which makes, for an exciting time. I love the Lions and Being a fan the last year and a half has been a great joy It's been to say the least it's been amazing. I'm excited to see oh, and I can't even imagine from the people that were Fans from the 60s and 70s, I I didn't start becoming a fan until the 90s. I can't imagine last year for the, those people that were fans for even longer, because for me it was amazing. So I can't imagine what it would felt like for them. That's why you saw the people crying at, Ford Field and stuff like that. It was, emotional.

Jacob Litton:

You weren't

Jason Harwood:

I did cry and I hugged the stranger next to me when we beat the Rams, that was just an emotional release for everybody at that stadium. That game will be something that's I will, Remember for the rest of my life I think I told you about this earlier, I took my son and he looked at me after, at that game, after, and he's this is something I'm going to remember for the rest of my life, and that's mostly what triggered my tears,

Jacob Litton:

No, it's a good moment. And that was the truth.

Jason Harwood:

it was and, you think about, 10, 15, 20, 30 years, he's going to mention that and I feel like so blessed that we were there and got to experience him so blessed that the Lions played well and just, it was just awesome for me and I'm just one person in the stadium, there's a lot of stories like that in the stadium and people that didn't go to the stadium, they were at home watching with their family. Yeah, was,

Jacob Litton:

around everywhere in Michigan and Detroit.

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

It was a

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

Finally, a good time to be a Lions fan,

Jason Harwood:

it was, it didn't make all the losing like worth it per se, but all that built up and made that moment amazing. That's what I. I can say about that, it will never make it so that the losing was worth it, but it certainly made it all the more enjoyable at that point.

Jacob Litton:

right? You forget a little bit, just when it got really good there. For

Jason Harwood:

it did.

Jacob Litton:

it's been, it got really good right there.

Jason Harwood:

It was, unforgettable. I was blessed to be there for that playoff game, that's for sure. Since this is our first episode, what are you hoping the listeners get out of this? What are you doing the podcast for what's your thoughts on that?

Jacob Litton:

We work together. As listeners are gonna find out, we work together. A lot of this is just talk that goes on at work. I've worked with mostly women for 10 years before you came along. Finally get to talk sports all day. We're driving them crazy let's make a podcast. We're gonna talk about sports, we're gonna share our knowledge, have fun doing it. What about you? What was the driving force behind trying to make the podcast?

Jason Harwood:

Mostly to make you look like a fool

Jacob Litton:

Pretty high for yourself,

Jason Harwood:

I know.

Jacob Litton:

attainable goals.

Jason Harwood:

out of my ass every once in a while.

Jacob Litton:

than me. You'll learn that really soon, too.

Jason Harwood:

my old

Jacob Litton:

fan when I was learning how to use glue sticks in kindergarten.

Jason Harwood:

I'm gonna let you get one in on me every once in a while, but that's okay. I have a lot more experience than you, and I know stuff than you. For the podcast, just like you said, we're driving people at work, crazy talking about the lions, but. I think that you and I have a lot of insights that are fun to share. I just thought, let's. Just try this for fun and see where this goes and see if anybody else enjoys listening to you sound like an idiot, but if anybody else listens or thinks like we do or, just to create a community, that's what this lion's nation is about to me. Just. Us going through it together. I think just Detroit in general with their sports, just, it's something that unites us all and the world needs something like that right now. It's fun that we can all get behind something and so positive right now that Dan Campbell, Brad Holmes, Jared Goff, all the other players have just helped build something that we can be proud of. That's, fun to be able to talk about that stuff. It's fun to joke around with you. As much as I want to say you sound like an idiot, you're a very smart person. And yeah,

Jacob Litton:

Compliment. You all

Jason Harwood:

And, recording. But.

Jacob Litton:

on me, but work most of the time for him.

Jason Harwood:

You know what? It's all good, Jacob, because I'm the one that holds the edit button to this podcast. You haven't figured out how to edit yet, so I can do whatever I want with this AI voice cloning

Jacob Litton:

we'll see.

Jason Harwood:

So let's go back to our Alliance fandom. Thought it'd be fun to share our all time favorite Lions player. For the purpose of this, we're going to exclude Barry Sanders just because it might be a little bit boring if we both just said Barry Sanders, cause he's probably, 90 percent of Lions fans, at least in my age group, that would say it would be Barry Sanders.

Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

Lions fans, though, even new Lions fans, you like the Lions, you look up the Lions, you see the history of the Lions. Barry Sanders is front and center. Even though his highlights were back in the 90s and everything, you're watching, kids now, watching those highlights, seeing how great that he was. He's at the top of everybody's list when you talk about all time Lions.

Jason Harwood:

Yeah. And he's still very involved with the team. He took a period off after he left the team, and retired early but, he's at every event he's at the stadium, pretty much every game I see them, they bring them out. The crowd still goes crazy, still chants Berry. He deserves all that. I can't explain to you how it was to watch every game with Barry because you knew he was going to do something amazing. You see the clips on YouTube. You, I know you've seen all the highlights. I know you've looked this up. I know you're knowledgeable about this, but just, when you're watching a live game and you just know. He's going to get one yard here. He's going to get negative two here. He's going to get negative three. Then all of a sudden he busts out a 40 yard or a 50 yarder and he made three people look stupid why he, ran it. It was really fun to watch the lions at that point. It's a different fun now because we're winning and we got players like Jameer Gibbs that can do amazing things. But Barry was just. He was an unreal cat. He just did things that no one else can do and you know You could watch a game and you just know oh my god. He's he just did what you couldn't believe it have you ever seen like a game that he played in like from start to finish or anything like that

Jacob Litton:

Nope. You can tell when you watch the highlights. It's just he's in a league of his own out there. Just don't look like they have a chance. He just looks faster, quicker. His instincts just look better than everybody else that's on the field.

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

where it's changed. Is that now, you got eleven defenders out there that are all at the top of their game. Different breed of athletes nowadays, but Barry looks, like he could've hung.

Jason Harwood:

So who is your all time favorite lion besides Barry?

Jacob Litton:

This is probably, I don't think we're gonna have the same all time favorite line either because you're ancient and you know mine's gonna be kind of Jason's favorite lines, Doke Walker.

Jason Harwood:

Doug Walker. Oh man, I'm not quite that old, but I know who that is.

Jacob Litton:

Doke Walker, Bobby Lane. I

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

with JJ earlier. I was talking about all time lions. People I never heard of, or Doakwalker has an award named after him.

Jason Harwood:

it does. The Lions have had their fair share of running backs. Because even before

Jacob Litton:

you. That's new information from

Jason Harwood:

yes. There was Barry Sanders and, Billy Sims. You probably never saw a Billy Sims run either, I'm sure. an amazing running back He was in the early 80s. He was actually war number 20. He was war 20 before Barry and he made some amazing runs, but he blew his knee out. And, yeah, his career ended after three years, or two or three years he had some amazing runs, I, you could look him up, he was a little more meaner runner than Barry, but he was really fast, and he was a good running back, too.

Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:

who is

Jacob Litton:

favorite lion I'm going with Calvin Johnson.

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

That was, I guess at the height of when I was a Lions fan. I think we drafted him when I was, I was still in high school. I might've been middle school when we drafted Calvin Johnson. So that was a big deal. All the hype, he lived up to the hype instantly, right away. I actually got to go to Lions games. The first couple of games I went to, he was there, he was the star. You talk about all time great receiver, which is good for the Lions, too. We've got Barry Sanders. You talk about all time great running backs, and then you talk about all time great receivers. Now, we've got Calvin Johnson. It's a shame his career didn't last very long, which is similar to Barry as well. But he holds the all time, receiving yard record. Yards in a season. He caught that ball against the Bears, despite what the referees say. And just moments of him just, Kind of what I said before. He looked like he was better than everyone else on the field. You throw the ball up to Megatron, he's got three defenders on him. Still comes down with it.

Jason Harwood:

I remember a graphic from the Monday night football game against the bears where they showed Calvin Johnson's catch radius. And it was essentially like a two car garage, it was an amazing graphic, He was just on a level all on his own. He had amazing speed, he could jump. He was just bigger than anybody else. have a tough,

Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:

going to have a tough time jamming him at the line just because, he's bigger than you. The only one that I could say that's as athletic or just that kind of reminds me just a body kind of thing as a DK Metcalf. Megatron's catch radius is way better and DK Metcalf's is Anywhere close to the receiver that Calvin Johnson was but as far as you know he had that build and just like the speed and stuff like that, you know Calvin Johnson was just unreal.

Jacob Litton:

DK 6'4,

Jason Harwood:

Yeah, are they about the same height? Calvin was taller than,

Jacob Litton:

Calvin 6'5, 237.

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

that's really

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

that Calvin was faster than DK.

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

a 4. 35. I don't know what DK ran, but I know he's faster than DK Metcalf. Ability. guy that can also, run away from you down the field. There aren't 50 50 balls. It's 80 20.

Jason Harwood:

Stafford learned that early on. If I'm in trouble, just throw it up, them, Give my guy a chance. That can get you in trouble, and it certainly did sometimes, but more often than not, Calvin's coming down with that ball, and yeah, he was an amazing player, and it's a shame that, we couldn't go anywhere with him as far as playoffs it's a shame he had to leave early, but, just like Barry, they might have not left on the greatest terms, but they're both fully back. They're really involved with the franchise so it's great to see them back. It's another thing that this current regime has done. They've gotten these players back and I don't think it's just a winning. I think it's a respect thing. I think it's, treating people like people and doing the right thing.

Jacob Litton:

Right. Shouts

Jason Harwood:

love it.

Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:

That's going to lead into my all time favorite Lions player. Cause I think, honestly, he, with Sheila kicked this off and mine's Chris Spielman. So linebacker for the Lions, he's in 88. So mine isn't just necessarily based on his play with the Lions. Although I believe he's the all time leader in tackles with the Lions. He made four pro bowl appearances with the Lions. He was an amazing linebacker. I hate to say that he went to Ohio state, everyone's got their faults. He was just an amazing hard nosed player. You talk about Grit he fit it before that was the tagline of the Lions. Then after that he went on and did some broadcasting. And so he was. One of the lead broadcasters for Fox Sports for a little bit. Love listening to him. I thought he was very knowledgeable. And then he left and now he's, part of the lions leadership team, and he's a special assistant. It was a first hire that Sheila made. After. The Matt Patricia and Bob Quinn firing, they got Chris in here. I think Chris was the reason why they ended up going with Dan Campbell and Brad Holmes. I think all that, coupled with this amazing play I just appreciate the guy so much and I'm so glad that he's back with the Lions. Doing his thing and he's helping us out. He was on those linebackers had those huge shoulder pads in the nineties. it's just a funny image for me. Compared to the players now, just how intimidating.

Jacob Litton:

A different game.

Jason Harwood:

yeah. Can you imagine enough of player will come with those? Pads on now, just like how different he would look, how weird he would look out there compared to everybody else. You don't have too much experience with Chris. I'm sure you know who he is, as far as his playing, a gritty player and I loved him.

Jacob Litton:

I know who he is just because of the executive things he's been doing. He actually, he came and talked to my, I believe it was elementary school.

Jason Harwood:

Oh, really?

Jacob Litton:

school and actually talked after he retired. Like a, a picture to take home too. It was

Jason Harwood:

Oh, that's cool. Do you remember what the, was the talk about anything specific or what was Just, okay.

Jacob Litton:

was probably five years old. Remember?

Jason Harwood:

I could see a theme now. I'm, I'm not that old. Okay.

Jacob Litton:

Ah, well,

Jason Harwood:

something that's you know

Jacob Litton:

saw him play. So

Jason Harwood:

it's okay

Jacob Litton:

I mean, solid.

Jason Harwood:

It's a great pick. I said you couldn't pick Barry. So, of course, you pick Kelvin. Let's quickly move on Instead of all time favorite Lions player, how About we do the current Lions favorite player? you,

Jacob Litton:

fun of me for picking a popular person? Is that how this is going to go?

Jason Harwood:

Yeah, yes, I want you to pick Dan Skipper, and if you don't pick Dan Skipper, there's something wrong with you. Go ahead.

Jacob Litton:

I think you already know who I'm gonna say, but I have to say it. I went back and forth on this, but I've gotta go hutch.

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

The Michigan connection before that, and just, the timing of when he came and when things turned around.

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

they had Dan Campbell's first year, as he took over the team. Didn't go so well, which was expected, we trying to change things around, switch things up. You need some sort of spark, some sort of energy on the defense, someone to define the team and the Jaguars make a mistake and pass them up and then Hudson falls right in our lap. Perfect example of grit, perfect person to be on the Lions That's when things turned around. I think we went three and 13. We get the second pick, we draft Hutch, and then, then we're one game out of the playoffs. Which obviously is more than just him, I connect him with as things were turning around. He's on the squad, fired up, we're ready to go, we take out Aaron Rodgers and Green Bay to finish off the season. Then you go into last year, his second year in the league, he's getting double digit sacks. He's had multiple picks, multiple forced fumbles. Just a huge player on the defense. And it's only been a year or two It's only going up from here.

Jason Harwood:

Hutch is an awesome pick. I'm not gonna make fun of you for that. Hutch is everything you want a player to be. He works hard. he's from the area. He above most of these players because, other than DBJ, most of these players are not from Detroit. They may understand that we're, where this team came from and they might have some idea, but Hutch lived it. He was a Lions fan growing up. He knows what this means to everybody in Michigan, what this means to people in Detroit. He embodies everything you want in a player. He's going to get paid next year. He's going to deserve every bit of it. And going to be awesome because there's no way they're letting him out of the building. Um, just not going to happen. Speaking of not letting someone out of the building my current favorite players, someone that just signed the extension is going to be with us for a while, that's Penesul much like you're saying, bring in And the, you picture that with the turnaround, Penne is the first Lions draft pick Brad Holmes,

Jacob Litton:

yeah, he was The

Jason Harwood:

many teams can, you say your favorite current player is an offensive lineman. Penesul is not just any offensive lineman. He's probably the best tackle in the league or, top two or three, but he, all pro this year, first team all pro, he, Is everything you want in a player, he works hard, he's amazing at the way he does, not only, is he just a mauler he's athletic, he can get out, he could pull, he can, get the second level, yeah, and he can catch, I was at game, yeah. and I think Dan Campbell said that, he could have played tight end and I 100 percent believe that he's just an athletic guy beyond. Just his raw athletic ability and the way he plays. His pregame speeches are amazing. I love just everything he stands for. he. Is just a team guy too, you don't hear me or you don't hear I hear, you know He's part of that offensive line. He speaks grit too. It was hard to pick a current favorite player Because there are so many guys just like the two that we just subscribed, how could I'm in raw? Not make our list. He's definitely an amazing player. He works harder than anybody and he just does his job and just

Jacob Litton:

late pick. The Top picks. They came out. They are what they're supposed to be. A mid round pick. A lot

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

him out. And he just proved everybody wrong. One of the top receivers in the league. also paid, rightfully so.

Jason Harwood:

the timing of the pay is awesome, too, because there's other people about to get paid, and I think Brad Holmes, looked into that and said, let's get our guy taken care of. Let's give him his contract and then, lock him down and, keep him happy. So I'm happy that he's on a team, but there's, there's a lot of other guys Alim McNeil's an awesome player me, third round draft pick. It came after Levi and I'm glad we doubled up on that position. And that's why you double up on a position. Cause not everybody's going to work out, but a Liam certainly worked out greatly for a third round pick. And we haven't even talked about our quarterback at Jared Goff. I think he represents Detroit very well. After a shaky

Jacob Litton:

For Gough and for the

Jason Harwood:

How many guys do you think, get paid? Top dollar, like he did with the Rams. Basically is discarded. He's counted out by pretty much, oh, he's definitely by the Rams and by most people in the league, he's counted out. And now, he's the number two paid quarterback in the NFL right now, based on average per year or whatever you can have Patrick Mahomes. That's going to be on the, near the top. You're going to have, Joe Burroughs you know, No one's ever counted them out. Whereas Jared Goff was just left for dead, essentially.

Jacob Litton:

He was kind of a, you know, we'll throw in Goff in the Stafford trade. yeah, prize. Goff was just kind of the afterthought. He was gonna be the layover until we drafted our quarterback or got our guy.

Jason Harwood:

but I think that was the thought and that's the media talking point at that point. But I honestly, I think Brad Holmes just knew that they were going to take them, they took on, what was a bad contract for the Rams, or at least what the Rams saw was a bad contract. From all accounts of how it went down, we got an extra first round pick out of that, which turned into Jamir Gibbs and San Laporta'cause of the trade. Safford got them to Super Bowl, so you can't say the Rams lost that trade,

Jacob Litton:

It worked both ways.

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

trade ended up working in the favor of both teams.

Jason Harwood:

I think if Stafford doesn't get that Superbowl, they don't get that Superbowl, then it's a

Jacob Litton:

Oh, no,

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:

then they lose I mean that's what they did

Jacob Litton:

they sold to get that championship, though.

Jason Harwood:

yeah, oh yeah, and as a Lions fan, I could totally understand that but I think Brad Holmes is on a different track, I think he's looking for long term success, and he took advantage of, what they thought of Jared Goff, and we're reaping the benefits now, Stafford could still sling it, no doubt, but I'd much rather have Jared Goff right now than Stafford. Just, some of it's age, some of it's just wear on the body Jared Goff's not perfect, but Stafford just sometimes tried to take on too much, and maybe that was just his time with the Lions just because that's what he felt he had to do,

Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

out of nothing.

Jason Harwood:

yeah, Jared Goff knows what he is, he knows how to get the best out of his players, and he does it you know

Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:

yeah, no exactly,

Jacob Litton:

about Frank Ragnow? That was somebody else that I was talking about too, and Frank got to see some bad times before things turned around.

Jason Harwood:

know both him and Taylor both saw some bad times. They, had to go through it. And, that's why the emotion wears on both their face. But when you talk about Frank, guy that just, run through a wall for you, and he doesn't want to let his teammates down. That's the bottom line with Frank. He's got from all accounts a nasty toe injury. You wouldn't know by his play. Especially those blocks on beat Avea down and you know in that Buccaneers game. I still remember that just he just clearing the way

Jacob Litton:

and then still made the Pro Bowl. then All Pro the next season when it was still lingering. That's grit

Jason Harwood:

that's what I'm talking about The Lions moved on from people that didn't personify Grit. They've held on to players or re signed or in the case of Jalen Reeves Maven or Graham Glasgow, they've reacquired former Lions players that, fit that criteria. I could see it As a philosophy, they are very talented players. They might not be the most talented at their position, but they're going to fight through injury. They're going to play their butt off for their teammates. And, they're going to do what it takes to win and they're going to put the time in. They're going to practice. They're going to do their thing. And I think when you have a team philosophy like that, and you have a team full of those players, could go a long way. And I think we've seen it.

Jacob Litton:

We showed that last year. hoping that it goes a little bit further this year.

Jason Harwood:

Yeah, at least one more game, right? That'd be awesome. Speaking of that, what's your thoughts on this upcoming season?

Jacob Litton:

The over under is at ten and a half, so

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

right now, not as a fan, but if you were just gonna be placing that bet as a bettor, would you say you think the Lions are above or below ten and a half?

Jason Harwood:

I think they're definitely above, they're built to win a lot of different ways. When you want to play the matchup game or whatever like that, the Lions are set for that. I also think that they've taken, the proper steps to shore up that secondary that was just giving up yardage left and right, especially towards the end of the year. Happy to

Jacob Litton:

problem areas, was just having consistent secondary play, and we addressed that, so

Jason Harwood:

yeah one of our starters last year is going to be fifth or sixth cornerback this year. If that tells you what we've done to upgrade, that room and just like the first year Brad Holmes doubled down on cornerback for the first two picks. I don't think that was necessarily planned going in. It just fell in his hands that way. I think he was pretty ecstatic with those picks

Jacob Litton:

You just know they're draft board as people, like we just talked about. People that are good teammates, that are gonna put it all in the line for the team, not selfish players, And, we got some good guys. Again, they're killing the draft. Every year. I

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

exactly how good we did with this one, for

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

as high of picks or as many picks to work with, I still feel great about it.

Jason Harwood:

Just grabbing Terry on Arnold in the first round. Unbelievable.

Jacob Litton:

Yeah. Could not

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:

No, we were. Texting back and forth and, you and I that night and, the trade up and

Jacob Litton:

Which one

Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

we wanted Tarion? I

Jason Harwood:

You did no I like, I liked Cooper Dejean, but I was,

Jacob Litton:

that's right. Didn't he go in the second, mid

Jason Harwood:

He did and he went to the Eagles with another good drafting team, so I know he's going to end up being

Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:

hey, it will tell, I am very

Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:

happy with Terry Arnor

Jacob Litton:

all about it, and

Jason Harwood:

you know just Terran Arnold said about his mother, if we line up against you together, against you, I'm gonna push you into the dirt, and you know this.

Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:


Jacob Litton:

wear both of your knee braces.

Jason Harwood:

Both my knee braces, I got my back brace, I, I wear my earmuffs a little chilly outside too.

Jacob Litton:

Get on tight. I'm surprised you could stay up to watch the whole draft, you didn't fall asleep?

Jason Harwood:

No, I, my, my mom let me stay up. I think that's a pretty good first episode. I don't know what you feel about it, but I'm happy with it. Hopefully the listeners enjoy it. Anything you want to say before we take off here?

Jacob Litton:

Just, that was good. Just a little taste of what's to come, right?

Jason Harwood:

Yeah, exactly. Sounded better than anything I've ever heard on the internet I don't you wouldn't like it, but heh. And,

Jacob Litton:

many positive things on the internet Jason

Jason Harwood:

My Facebook feed is just all stuff that's geared towards me, and I just, I don't want to see anything I don't want to see, so No,

Jacob Litton:

Yeah, what other social media? Do you have Jason just Facebook?

Jason Harwood:

I, I think my MySpace might be active?

Jacob Litton:

what I was looking

Jason Harwood:

yeah, no, don't have any of

Jacob Litton:

myspace's servers alive.

Jason Harwood:

are they still up? Is that still, figured that,

Jacob Litton:

in like sixth grade.

Jason Harwood:

yeah, sixth grade, huh? Yeah

Jacob Litton:

You probably bought stock in myspace, didn't you?

Jason Harwood:

No, but I do remember it, and, yeah, it was very popular for a little bit, and Facebook took over, and, it ruled our lives

Jacob Litton:


Jason Harwood:

but, I'm gonna let you Sleep on this tonight. You could think of some more digs you want to get me with I don't want to you know, waste them all in the first episode It's a good thing. I got the edit button. Like I said, so Anyways, we want to thank everyone for listening. I hope you have a good day and go Lions

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