Talking Grit: A Detroit Lions Podcast

Episode 3: Free Agent Signings, Resigning, and Trade Aquisition

Jason Harwood / Jacob Litton Season 1 Episode 3

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Join Jacob and Jason as they talk about some new Lions that were signed this offseason as well as players that were brought back.  They talk about Carlton Davis the Lions offseason trade aquisition.   Jason and Jacob also talk about plans for the podcast.

Reddit forum mentioned in podcast

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Welcome everyone to Talking Grit. We are brought to you by Monroe County Reporters, Monroe's top news source for police, fire, and community events. Follow them on Facebook, and for 99 cents a month, you can become a subscriber and get the news you crave even faster. I'm Jason Hartwood, and with me again is Jacob Litten.


Today, we're going to talk about the free agent acquisitions, that Brad Holmes brought in for us. Also going to talk about some of the resigned players That we got this offseason and then but what we're going to skip over is the extensions. We're gonna leave the Jerry Golf, Sewell extensions for another podcast. So if you're expecting to hear that in here Gonna leave that for the next one. So you got that to look forward to so Before we get into all of that got a little housekeeping Stuff we'd like to go over so just on a whim last night, I went on to Reddit, went to the Detroit Lions subreddit and just posted a thing about our new podcast. And. Oh, when I can say I was amazed by the response, I think Jacob and I were both like dumbfounded, um, by what happened, the posts that, I put on there, as of right now in like 24 hours since I posted has been seen by 17, 000 it's gotten a lot of comments. There was a lot of people that viewed that and went over and checked out our podcasts. And I really appreciate the feedback that we got. It was, just very humbling, to be honest with you, uh, just to have people, you know, tell you that they like hearing what they're hearing. And, um, you know, for Jacob and I, this is kind of just like a passion project where we're just have fun with it. We don't have any designs on, being millionaires and retiring or anything. This is just two guys that like to talk. Lions football and it's really nice to hear other people that support us and Wish us success and wish to hear future episodes. So it's very humbling I really appreciate it. And I know Jacob does too. So I You know, again, um, many shout outs and many thanks to the people on Reddit that, you know, helped make my night and make Jacob a nice day that we saw more and more people download our podcast. So that was very exciting. And we were sharing that excitement at work today. And, the people that work with us


made work very fun.


did, um, Yeah.


a lot of love from the Lions fans, so it's been, it's been nice.


So we, we both really appreciate it. Much love to everybody out there for that. There was a couple of questions that came up in the Reddit that I thought I'd just like, kind of go over. Um, a lot of people want to know, how long are the episodes going to be? We plan on, you We try to keep it under an hour and we know your time is valuable. You don't want to hear us rambling on about things, or maybe you do, I don't, I don't know. But I'm thinking most people would like to, want to do it on a commute, so we're going to try to keep it under an hour. Some may be shorter, occasionally maybe, they weren't. Uh, a longer talk, but that's what our, that's what we plan to be, uh, during this off season, we plan on maybe doing, just one podcasts a week while we're figuring this thing out, that's where we're, we're probably probably going to set, but once we get to the season Jacob and I want to do a little more frequently, probably shorter ones, you know, just more reactionary to what we're seeing in the games. What, you know, what Dan Campbell saying in his press conference, those types of things. The last, uh, podcast was what? Like 50 minutes, Jacob, something like that. Is that correct?


It was pretty long.




of information in there.


Right. And so we really, when we did that, it was like over an hour and 20 minutes. So we cut out, I think some pretty interesting stuff. We had a really good talk about the Jared Goff chant and I'm not going to really spoil that because we are going to save that for a future podcast. Save the audio on that. So yeah. We just want to be respectful of your time. So we're just trying to, just do it right. But your feedback's always great. Um, right now we're just kind of in the Reddit. We're getting our socials up. Jacob's kind of in charge of that. So it's taken longer than, you know, it should, because it's Jacob, you know, and he's,




Jacob, I wanted to let everyone know that before this podcast, I took, you know, Some Motrin because I carried him all day at work and now I got to carry him through this podcast. So I, I'll make sure I let everyone know I took some Motrin so my back would be good. Um, we think about that, Jacob.


You're hilarious.


Yeah, everyone knows that now.


can tell that you're, you're, uh, recording your lines way after the actual podcast.


No, no, no, no, no, no,


and touch and try to make himself sound smarter.


no. I thought of that one at work and I saved it for right then. So take that buddy. Um, oh man, that's all right. Yep, so I'll get and I can cut all that out because that's not true. Uh, anyways, uh,


what you do.


Before we go any further is there anything you want to add on the Reddit stuff or the downloads or anything, Jacob?


No, just, we appreciate the love. fans. It's a nice community. We're just trying to do something positive and uh, you know The response has been great so far. So just really appreciate it.


Yeah, the only thing else I'd like to add is that guys over at the Honolulu cheese podcast or Detroit Lions podcast features two Detroit Lions fans and one Packer fan. They reached out to us gave us some feedback on our podcast. Podcast, I returned the favor for them. We plan on doing a collaboration with them at some point in the future, but it was really nice that they reached out to us. Um, that's what Jacob and I want for this podcast. We're not against anybody. I don't really think I'm in competition with anybody. Jacob and I are just here doing what we like. This is just for fun for us.


already don't like the Packers guy.


Yeah, that.


don't know him. I haven't had a chance to listen yet But you know what?


I know those guys deserve a medal for having a Packers guy on their podcast. I, you know,


I don't know how they put up with it.


yeah, I know. That's something we're going to have to ask them when we actually talk with them. So, you know, if they get on our podcast, that'd be probably the first question. Don't you think?


I wonder if they have somebody like you that just edits out all the bad stuff that they don't want to


Ooh, man. Shots fired. So let's move on to the talk of the day here. We're going to talk about the free agents, the trade acquisitions, and the resigned players Alliance got in the off season So Jacob, I'm going to just turn it over to you. However you want to start this, whether you want to list out the players or if you don't want to just, I know you got some notes on each player, so I'm going to kind of let you just run this and I'll just jump in, um, when necessary. All right.


We can go down, for some of the more popular signings, and I guess just go through our thoughts on each one. The first one I have on my list is not a signing, but it was somebody that we trade for is Carlton Davis. Obviously this was before the draft so we didn't know how the draft was gonna pan out, but that was another cornerback, someone with experience. I think someone that would fit in well in the locker room. Now, I won't say when we first got him I was too excited about him possibly being number one coroner and having to take over. We had all the things going on with Cam Sutton. We weren't sure how that was going to pan out. Cam was up and down. It wasn't great. We definitely knew that we needed to upgrade there anyway. So, I don't know if you can necessarily call this one an upgrade, but after the way the draft went, a depth piece. You know, solid veteran presence, good teammate, good locker room, do you think that he had to talk to Craig Reynolds when he got here about that block from before?


You know, that had to be, that's gotta be brought up in that locker room. Don't you think? Like, uh, You know, for those,


Do they just act like it didn't happen?


Oh, no. I mean, that's a, that is a locker.


see it on every highlight reel.


It's a competitive locker room. Carlton Davis probably said something to Craig. I'm sure. I mean, how could he not, for those of you don't, that don't know, I'm sure most of you do, but you know, that Craig Reynolds block on the Amarillo touchdown in the Tampa Bay buck game, and it's Carlton Davis that Craig Reynolds blew up. In all honesty, I don't see how that's Carlton Davis's fault because Craig Reynolds came out of nowhere to just smoke him. So yeah, that's so funny because I, I haven't thought about that in a little bit. That's great that you brought that up.


Right? what it would look like if I was blocking you.


Huh? That's probably true. Um, age difference. Uh, you know, I already got my walker, so, you know, I'd be ready to get right back up. You can hit me with my walker. I can't get away from you.


Last point I had to make there is that, uh, you know, we're still, we're still taking on a cap hit for cam Sutton. So we actually are going to pay him more than we're paying Carlton Davis this year


yeah, I,


be on the team.


Yeah, and I think from what I understand is, the Lions have that an appeal that we might get that money back, but that's from all accounts, that takes a while and we're not going to be able to get any of that money back until next season. For right now, I mean, that could be a bonus for next year's cap if we get any of that Cam Sutton money back, but that is really funny that, you know, he is making more money than Carleton Davis, our new number one corner. Um, thing I'd like to add about Carlton Davis is that from what I've read and from what, I understand he's really good at man coverage. And I think that's where AG really wants, we'd rather have people out there in man coverage. Those corners can look so much different between man and zone and, some are better at one thing over the other. Looking at his numbers net last year, they may not totally fit. I'll also say that he has an injury history past, so that is concerning for me. The draft kind of like settled those fears down a little bit for me with that, as far as like the, you know, the


for him to perform


right, and there's just more depth there. Just based on him talking, I know that Carleton Davis has a confidence issue at all, um, him and Terry on Arnold probably have some really good conversations about, you know,




things cause they just seem to be. Very confident individuals, which I think just goes with that cornerback position. You got to have a short memory and you got to think you can lock everybody down. If you get down on yourself, you know, you're, you're just not going to be productive in the NFL.


right. Uh, yeah. Cause you had mentioned about man coverage and, uh, Carlton Davis never even gave up a touchdown last year, man.


Okay. All right.


touchdowns. So.


Nice research, my friend.


which brings me to my other. The next one was, Amik Robertson. Another one before the draft, not a very flashy signing, a depth piece. How did you feel when we first signed them? How did you feel about that?


I didn't know too much about Amik, to be honest with you, and, he seems small to be an outside corner, but, when I hear that, how confident he is, and the fact that they can play him inside and outside, which is nice to have, I think this Team really likes versatility. They like players that can play anywhere because it's great. Someone gets injured, you can plug in a player and you know, you don't have to play someone out of position necessarily. You can, you got some versatility, until I see a meek on the field, I don't know too much about him, but I do like his attitude. I do like his versatility. The team really likes them and he was part of like their initial plan. And from what, Brad Holmes said, in one of his press conferences, once they traded for Carlton Davis, they were not expecting a meek to sign on board, but he contacted him and said, are we still going to do this? And. So, you know, it's the amount of depth in that secondary compared to last year is impressive. We'll see how Amik does, but I do like having the additional depth there. See where he goes. I don't know if he's going to go nickel or outside, you know, it kind of just probably depends on the rookies where they are. So he might start, he might start out the season as the number two on the outside. And then, because this team doesn't seem to rush their rookies, unless they're ready, Brian Branch was right out there, but, Jameer kind of was slowly brought on, Jack Campbell was slowly brought on, looks like Sam Laporta was right out the gate, so he was ready to go, so if you're ready, they'll put you out there, but they don't, um, have to put them out there if, if they think they're, they're going to struggle.


Yeah, that's just. Low risk, high reward, I guess you would say, uh, for a week. Got the right attitude. Um, he actually, he scored better than Carlton Davis or Kim Sutton on pro football focuses ratings last year. Um, but yeah, I didn't really hear too much about him either.


I think he was just one of those guys that just, he just does his job. You know, you don't hear from him. You don't need to hear from him. I think he likes football. Just like, you know, everyone Brad Holmes, either drafts or signs, you gotta, football's gotta be number one, you know, and that the rest will take care of itself.


He's quite the Twitter presence.


Does he? I wouldn't know. I'm still on MySpace,


I know you probably don't have Twitter. Do you know what that is?


I do. No, it's called X. So I'm one up on you friend. It's not Twitter anymore.




Yeah. Yeah. See? Yeah.


know, people that actually use it, we still call it Twitter.


Yeah. I,


That's you.


Elon Musk will be mad at you. You know, he, he bought Twitter, change it to X so


Sorry, Elon. All right. Um, get to some of the bigger ones here.




Kevin Zeitler, that was huge. And that's one that I really liked presence. We, we lost Jonah, so we needed somebody to step in. And I mean, you really couldn't have asked for a better person to come in here. especially at the salary point


Yeah. Like less than$6 million.


And Jonah's getting 17, you know, he came off, uh, Bowl appearance top 10 rated overall. He's been a top five pass blocking Lineman in the last three seasons. He actually he's rated higher than Jonah Jackson pretty much everything, you know, but he is older So you just I mean, that's the only knock that you can really say


Yeah, I think with Zeitler,


see here. It was a one year deal so I mean That was just a good pickup


yeah, I think with Zeitler, you're just getting like someone that's stronger and just, He's not gonna be as mobile as say, Jonah was really good at pulling and so you're not gonna really, I don't think you're gonna get that with Zeitler, but you're gonna get a wall that doesn't move and you know pair that in between Frank and Panay and You could see that they're gonna be running To that right side.


then Jared Goff's got all


Well, I mean that, and they're going to get Jimmy or tons of room to run over there. So I expect a lot of runs to the right and especially in goal line, because they're going to be ready over there. All right. Who you got next? Jacob.


Next one on my list DJ reader Another big signing, another, one is probably arguably the, the biggest headline, I guess, out of the free agents was going to be DJ Reader. Big physical player, run stopper, I mean, really what we needed up the middle, lined him up next to Aleem. You really hope he's creating pressure, uh, you know, driving people outside to Hutch. desperately needed the help.


Are you talking about a lean needed help?


Hutch, Hutch


Oh, okay. Yep. Sorry.


away from Hutch too easily.


Mm hmm.


Aleem made a big step up last year and definitely was helpful. Uh, but you know, we kind of shuffled through our other defensive tackles. We need a solid guy like that. I was going to say though, he's coming off of, uh, an injury and he has a history of having injuries. How'd You feel about it?


yeah, that's, uh, you know, the injury is the big question mark, obviously with DJ reader, it's coming off one, but I gotta say the Lions probably felt pretty confident that, you know, he was going to recover just based on how fast they signed him. He was one of their primary targets, you know, they've waited to, he got into the building, before they did the signing. So like he was there on a visit and I think, I haven't read this officially, but my reading on the situation is they wanted to get their own physical and see him and talk to him in person. And, you know, I think they had the contract already pretty much agreed on probably before he got there. And they just wanted to make sure that he was going to be fine physically. So my assumption is that he's going to be fine and ready to play. He's probably not doing anything and no TAs, you know, I wonder if he's going to be in training camp. I'm sure he's not going to play in preseason outside of maybe a snap or two. We could talk about that a little bit later when we get to some of our categories down here. But yeah, that's, that's, uh, that's a good signing.


Who else jumps out at you of our off season signings?


I think Graham is the next one on, on there. I think Graham Glasgow, I think getting him back, is important. For a couple reasons, number one, he's very versatile, so you can play at the center, you know, he can be the backup center, he can play both guard positions, so, you know, say Zeitler gets injured, you can move Graham right back over to cover him, Frank gets injured, you can move Graham in there, I think him getting them for a pretty reasonable, contract, especially for what his PFF grade last year was, he was playing like a top 10 guard last year and the fact that he, came back last year, he had, it was really good to see him have a good year. I was really happy for Graham, he's the one that left during the Patricia debacle era, you know, And came back to play with his friends, he came back to play with Frank and Taylor and, I think if you're happy, play well, and I think he was happy and he did play well last year. So I, to me, when, when they, I was hoping they would resign Graham. Graham wanted to be resigned. I mean, he made that pretty clear, but I'm really glad the Lions gave him, you know, a good deal. So it's what they didn't take him for granted. They paid him what he's worth and I'm happy to have Graham back. What do you think about that?


Oh no, I loved it. I mean, I know we talked about that kind of before too, but, for him to come back. a great season, help the team out, flipping the script, basically he's along for the ride now. You talk about how Taylor Decker had to deal with everything before Graham had to deal with that too, but he bounced, he wasn't here the whole time, but you know, he came back LeBron coming back to the calves, uh, you know, hopefully we finished the job,


That's what I'd love to see. I mean, I was like Graham's on LeBron's level, he's a Michigan man coming back to the Lions.


the hometown.


Oh yeah. Yeah, exactly.


coming back. your team a championship


Yeah. When I took the boys last year to training camp, my boys, we went to training camp as our first year with season tickets, you know, and so we went and experienced a training camp and afterwards we went down and the, both boys had a ball to sign and Graham came over and signed. And I. Whispered in the boy's ear. I'm like when he gets over here, say go blue. So they both said go blue and Graham said thank you. I looked at him in the eye and I'm like, it's so good for you to be back with us. And he, he said, he goes, it's great to be back. It was just really nice to hear that. He was so gracious to my boys. It was really nice that he signed. It's really impressive being next to an offensive lineman like that. You just get to see how big and strong they are. So, yeah, it was, Graham was really, really nice to my boys, and I appreciate it. So, they got, both got an autograph from Graham upstairs in their bedroom. So, really happy to have that.


Jason's talking about how he likes big strong men didn't see that coming


Hey, man, come on. This is a football podcast.


next to them. I mean, I


that's all right. No, it's all right. Well, you don't have to worry about being big and strong, so you don't have nothing to worry about. Anyways, uh, we could talk, uh, what's the next one that.


than you,


Yeah, you are, you are, uh, what is the next one that, um, next big signing that comes out to you? I got one in mind, but I'm gonna see if you think that same thing.


you know, a lot of these were like one year a lot Resigning some of these players Emanuel Mosley, you know, we really still don't know anything about him tough break last year I was good for them to get him back um I think the only other one that kind of jumps out has got to be Brock Wright.


Okay. Yeah. I was stolen back from the 49ers.


That was actually one of the things I was going to be talking about. Because we, you know, we set these things aside, signings that you don't like. And that's actually, if I had to pick one on our free agent class, I think that would probably be the one where it's like, Uh, you know, I don't really like that one as much.


Yeah, I really don't




I'm kind of indifferent to it to be honest with you. I like Brock Contract seems a little high to me, but it's structured in a way that it's not I don't it's not debilitating at all. So It was kind of interesting. They probably just let the 49ers, you know, basically Do the deal so Brock would agree and then the Lions just said, okay, that sounds good. We'll take you back. And I don't think I'm sure Brock was ready to come back to the Lions. I mean, I don't know if he didn't really have a choice cause the Lions they had first right or refusal on it Brock is always good for that one play where he slips out, like, you know, they did it first versus the Jets. And then he did it again last year where he just slips out and everyone forgets about him and then he's there. And he also had a great catch on that Chargers game, if I believe too. So he just likes he slips out, especially as good as Sam Laporta is all the tensions over there. And then Brock he can just kind of do what he wants to do. You know, he's just like, I'm over here and I'm wide open. Just throw it to me. Um, the one I was kind of thinking about is actually the Marcus Davenport signing. It's really kind of under the radar, like people aren't really talking about it too much. And maybe the expectations are low, but you know, if you got DJ reader. You know, clog in the middle. You maybe have Aleem being able to get more pressure because DJ Reader's gotta be double teamed. Then all of a sudden those guys, those quarterbacks gotta go one way. They either got to decide to run towards Hutch or they got to run the other way. And if Marcus is over there, he could just be, just lucky to get a bunch of sacks just from, Quarterbacks having to choose, the least difficult spot to go with, and it might be just his direction. I don't know. What do you think about the Marcus Davenport signing?


You know, I was okay with that one a couple years ago. He was very, very solid. Um, you know, he's been declining. I know he, he was injured last year, right? I mean, he missed most of the season. Is that correct?


correct. Yeah. But I mean, that's been the knock on him, you know,


mean, right. Trying to stay healthy.


they don't have a lot of money invested in them. So that's, it's kind of like, yeah,


That's what I was going to say. It's not like we offered a huge contract. He also only got a one year deal. Maybe he's banking on himself, being able to prove it, playing for the Lions and playing as part of this defense. Uh, you know, with Hutch on the other side of him, maybe he's thinking he's gonna turn that into a long term contract. He's, he's not very old. He's still young.


he's got like a Dan Campbell connection. Cause he was, Dan Campbell was on the saints when they drafted him. So I think they know what they're getting. My, also my hope with Davenport is that, he's not going to be out there nearly as many steps as, Aiden is on the other side, you're rotating him in and out. If you don't have to use them too much, maybe lower the injury risk, cause he's not out there that much. And maybe you just get more from him because he's got more gas in the tank. Cause he's not out there, 75 percent of the snaps, maybe he's out there like 50 percent of the snaps if he's out there. You know, playing that week. So, you know, I'm


like Von Miller.


yeah, you just get them out there and you just, you know, you rather have someone at full strength, you know, 50 percent of the time than someone that's, you know, if you play him 60 or 70, then he's going to get injured and then you don't have them at all. Looking at the rest of the ones, the Emmanuel Mosley that you mentioned earlier, you don't know what you're getting. He's coming off the injury risk, but man, if he can play and, just get on the field that just gives you another corner in that room. It could be a really deep room. You could turn it to like one of our weaknesses to potentially, I don't want to say strength, but it it's looking a lot better. Vildor, who's on the field, with the 49ers game. You know, as a starter is now looking at you're looking at him as possibly like the sixth, fifth or sixth corner on the team. So that's nice to see,


He may not even make the team now.


Yeah. Well, especially with the contract, I mean, he has very little guaranteed money, there's no guarantee that he's going to make that team just based on the numbers alone. He's going to be fighting for a position. He might end up just on the practice squad again, or, someone else may just pick them up, who knows, another person that we've resigned is DPJ down for people's Jones. Got him on a very small contract. I don't, you know, it doesn't seem like the lines are very confident in them. They didn't have to pay him that much, but. Could end up being a deal if he ends up being like the fourth or fifth receiver, you know, I think he's still got a lot of things in the tank. He can return so he can work special teams. So he's a hometown guy. So you want to see him succeed. Any thoughts on DPJ?


Right, Michigan man.


That's right.


I like DPJ. I mean, obviously he hasn't really, uh, thus far. But, Josh Reynolds isn't there anymore. We're hoping JMo takes a big step up. There's gonna be targets for DPJ if he's able to get out there. I know they were using him on punt return a lot, but He's not a bad receiver. I mean, he showed flashes when he was in Cleveland, too.


Yeah, he would have those games.


really want him to succeed, you want him to slot in there, but Just haven't seen it so far.


Yeah, I agree. Uh, you know, he just seems like he would have flashes in Cleveland where you're like, man, that's off of People Jones. You know, just being a fan of Michigan, you know, I keep track of what DPJ is doing, especially when you see him on a highlight reel. Stop and look and be like, all right, he's doing all right, you know? Then when he came to Michigan, or back to Michigan, you know, the Lions really want him to succeed because now he's on the hometown team. So we'll see. I'm, I'm rooting for him. I hope he does well. He's easily cuttable if he doesn't, you know, Do much in training camp and preseason because that contracts very low. So hopefully he does well I I'm rooting for him. All right that kind of hits most of them we got Zonovan, Knight I think the rest of the signings we kind of you know, CJ Moore was another one they signed, those are players that either gonna be on special teams or maybe,


low impact




right. Roleplayers.


So I mean, they're important. CJ Moore was a definitely, you know, especially on the fake punts. He was had a good one, I think it was versus the Vikings. You might see him out there. Who knows? He's a special teams demon. They need a little bit of safety depth. So maybe you could, you know, if they're competent and then being in safety, I think, that might, might be a thought process there too. So we'll see. I don't think he had any guaranteed money on his contract. So, you know, he's going to have to win a spot in training camp. He's going to have to prove his worth, but we'll see. Maybe the new kickoff rules, they, they might have a spot for him there too. So we'll see.


Needs to stay off FanDuel. Heh.


He does, you know. They interviewed him today, I actually read a thing, and he said he's not gambling at all anymore, so hopefully that's true. what a crazy thing, but at least he's come back, I mean, I'm happy for him, so we got some categories here, three categories. We're going to talk about our most impactful signing, a signing that you don't like and, your favorite signing. So we're going to just kind of run through these, each of us will give our answer. first one is the most impactful signing. I'll kind of go first on this one. Jacob, is that okay with you?










over most of the players already, so we're




quickly going


Yeah. Just quickly going through who I think is going to be the most impactful for me. It's DJ reader. If he's healthy, it lights out. I think he can, he's gonna make a lean look, uh, better. I think he's gonna free up a lean to do what a lean can do is strong. First step, get in the backfield. DJ reader. If you don't double team DJ reader, you're not going to be able to run the ball at all, because he's just going to push the guy right back into the quarterback and be ready to take the handoff. He's very strong. We're already had a very strong run defense. It's going to make this even stronger. And in. Turn I think it's going to free up a liam to not play them nose as much and and be able to just Think about hitting the quarterback and just getting up, upfield, um, which in turn is going to push, like we talked about earlier, is going to push those guy, the quarterbacks out to the edge. And if Aiden and whoever's else is on the, you know, left side they just need to set the edge and let the quarterback come to them. Cause a couple of times, Aiden would just, we needed some pressure and he would jump inside. And I remember in that, uh, Chicago game, Justin Fields just kept jumping outside, um, because Aiden would be just over pursuing the inside. So, I think if they set the edge and be disciplined in their game, I think that D. J. Reeder is just gonna transform what, what A. G. wants to do on this defense. Uh, let alone them being able to send Iffy or Brian Branch out the, you know, cause they're gonna have to double, they're gonna have to choose their double teams. They're gonna have to. Choose, you know, reader and if they chip or double team Aiden, that's going to just leave a lot of guys with one on ones and they have to win their one on ones. What's your most impactful signing that you, that you got?


I think you stole my Google Documents, and uh, that's why you wanted to go first.


All right. I guess.


for word, like some of my notes, you're just reading them back off to me.


Yeah. Nope. Nope.


Stopping everything up the middle. I just think the big thing is if he's going to stay healthy, if he's healthy, he changes the entire defense and it's just a great signing. Also list that as most impactful. I'm not going to repeat what you just said off of my notes. Um, they all know. But yeah, no, I think that that's definitely, that's the one I'm excited about, Do you want to continue to go first so that you can just


Nope. Nope. I want you to do the next one. I, we went back and forth. I even asked you, I was polite and then you said yes. But then it seemed like you hesitated and probably because you know, uh, you were just going to say whatever I was going to say anyways, because you don't have your notes. You're just lying. So, all right. What do you,


to get that out. Okay,


I did. All right.


Which one are we going to? You




Signing I Don't Like or The Favorite?


um, either one you pick, I'm going to let you pick cause you're arguing about the last one. So you pick on this one.


said this one earlier, so you can't steal this one.




you know, if we're looking at the list and having to pick one that we don't like, I would have said Brock Wright. Um. Not that I don't like Brock right as a player But I think the offer that we signed him for was like two and a half million or something like that Maybe a little bit more


Mm hmm.


deal from the 49ers. Then we have to match It's not like he's making four million per year on average. He's a blocking tight end It's not like we're paying him an astronomical amount of money, but at the same time knock on wood if the Receiving tight end that we have goes down He's not someone that's gonna just slot into that spot. He was targeted 14 times last year granted He caught 13 of them, but how many of those was he? And afterthought and was wide open or, you know, it was part of a scheme. Um, once again, it's not that I don't like Brock, right. I just, you know, I guess that's the signing that not exactly stoked about. I think we could have let him go to San Francisco and it wouldn't have killed the team.


I agree. I just like not letting San Francisco get one of our players, I think it goes to say how good these signings are that you have trouble finding one that you don't like, and you have to pick a tight end that you signed three years for 12 million. Cause what's, you know, 12 million over three years. I didn't really. Have a signing we don't like what I'm the only thing I would add to this is like if they were to resign Jonah at 17 million that would have been the signing that I didn't like and they were smart enough to just Let that go. it's sometimes it's not necessarily who you sign. It's also who you don't sign and you know, what decisions you make about what player you're going to keep and what player you're going to move on from. Like Jonah Jackson thought he was a special talent. I'm not convinced that he's worth 17 million a year. So, especially when we get Zeitler for 6 million, you know, I know it's just one year and Zeitler's older, but. For the here and the now, and for this team, I think our offensive line is better this year than it was last year. Would you agree on that?


Absolutely. That's actually, you know, that's my favorite signing that I picked was for Zytler and for those reasons.




So once again, proof that you have access to my documents,


Nope. Nope. Yeah, man. No, man. We just have good chemistry and I just kind of, you know, just can kind of naturally segue into things and then you mess up the segue.


on here and he knows he's quickly losing control. He's like, I got to do something. What can I do? I'm going to hack into the documents. I'm going to use his notes and say exactly what he's going to say first.


Listen, if you think I'm smart enough to hack into your notes, or if you think that I would spend that much time just to, you know, make you look stupid, You're probably right. But anyways, so I want to talk about my favorite signing. It is, uh, I'm going to go with another offensive lineman. I'm mine's Graham. I'm super happy to have him back. I think they got him for an affordable deal, locks up one of those guard positions for, three years. So we know. Next year, say Zeitler, you know, we don't sign him depending on one of these young offensive linemen we got, maybe they jump in there, maybe we sign another free agent, who knows, but Graham gives us flexibility along with on the guard position and also, God forbid that Frank goes down, gives us, a backup there. So when I, when we resigned Graham, I was just. Um, I was happy and just relieved that it was just a, you know, we had done it. I was pretty confident it was going to happen because they both wanted it to happen. But, last year, the Jamal Williams thing, you know, it seemed like in the offseason that was a done deal. Like before he left, it just looked like, okay, Jamal wants this done. The Lions have said they wanted this done. But it just, for whatever reason, it didn't happen. And, um, you know, I was really hoping that did not happen to Graham. And, you know, he resigned so that relieved all the anxiety that I had. Again, the strength of this team is the offensive line. Your favorite signing is on one side of the offensive line. My favorite signing is on the other side of the offensive line. Uh, it's Detroit Lions football. We love our offensive linemen. Big, strong. Offensive line men. Um,


your last one. I'm gonna sign out the next time you mentioned big strongman.


that's right. Oh, all right.


It was a good point It was a good point though.


All right. The next thing that we wanted to talk about is the next in line. Jacob and I compiled a list of five players that are in their last year of their contracts. We're going to go through, I think, we'll just go through the list and then we'll talk about, who we'd want to have, if we had to pick one of these players to resign, Players in line are, Taylor Decker last year, the old Derek Barnes, if he, uh, a lean McNeil and Carlton Davis jacob, if you had to pick one of those five, right now, that had to sign to Accenture, who would it be and why would you do that?


It's tough to pick one. But if I'm looking at that list I guess I would have to go with Aleem the way that he played last year You know the steps that he's taken because he didn't play so well the year before he took a huge leap Melifanu did the same they both rated high 80s for pro football focus They both showed out and did really really good Um, I think that that would be my number one. I would put him as my top priority. I would like to resign a couple of them, but if I had to pick one, this, let's get this deal done first, I would say you have to be a lean.


I'm with you on that. I really think that that's, he's going to be vital. I think he's a nice young player that he can do a lot of things. And he's been with this regime. They know him. They drafted him. I fully expect that. They'll get a deal done. If both sides want to get the deal done, it just depends on the money issue. I mean, to me, it comes down to that. Defensive tackles make a lot of money. They're going to, they're going to extend Aiden next year. I, I would be shocked if they do not extend Aiden next year. there's going to be some other money that. You know, it's going to go out the door there along with the other players that we just resigned this year. You know, some of those contracts are going to be hitting big numbers. Aleem is going to be. A priority, but the money is going to speak there. Um, my player, if I had to resign any of those five, um, I I'm going to lean towards Taylor, just because I like to keep the strength on the offensive line, the advantage of resigning Taylor, especially if we do an extension, this off season is probably lowering his cap hit. He's like one of the higher cap hits on the team this year. I think that you're going to end up being able to get him cheaper. You got to keep them on the left side. You know, you, if you extend them for another two years, and then you have a three year deal, lower the cap hit this year, if you could sign him reasonably, I'm sure Taylor wants to be here. Taylor has been through a lot of losing and he's not about to give up now. So I think, Aleem's probably, you know, money out the window. Aleem's the player that I want on this team. If I had to pick one of those five, taking money into consideration, Taylor is the player I think he can save us money this year. And then, you know, it won't be as expensive as Aleem. So if I had to do, if I had to pick one of the five, that's probably what I'm leaning. Um, if he's an interesting one, cause you know, he's had some injury risk, but he's just seems like the last, like half of last year, he figured it all out or AG figured out where to. where to use him. I don't know if it was because it was surprising to the teams, but it kept happening even throughout the playoffs. You would have think the tape would have been out by then, they would have known he was coming. So, I just think he might be really naturally good at it. Um, he had the biggest interception probably in, um, I don't know, the Derrick Barnes one. Both two of these guys had huge interceptions, right? I mean,




I don't know.


that now.


I, yeah, I don't know. That's a good topic though. Right. Which one is the more, uh,


You might have


iconic interception? Oh man, that's a good argument. I don't know. We'll have to, we'll have to spend that off sometime. Cause I,


revisit that.


yeah, cause our, and you know, when we start getting up on our socials, that would be a great poll question. Right.




It's too bad that we're not quite there yet to get feedback from our fans, but that's a great question. So do you see me on Reddit? If you're one of the people on Reddit that's following us, um, in that post, I'd love to hear your take on which one was the bigger interception. I'm, I'm not going to say my answer right now. I kind of want to hear everybody else's and then maybe we'll, maybe we'll revisit that over the summer. Cause that might be, you know, in a slow week.


reserve my


Yeah. Yeah. Keep, keep it. But you know, It's interesting, they're both those guys had major interceptions at, you know, two different very important games for us. if he just seemed to figure it out that last half, I guess the whole point before I, you know, went on my spiel there, I, So I, Ify would be an interesting one. The question is, can Ify stay healthy and can he maintain that high level of play? So, what's your thought on Ify?


Like I said, another huge leap, uh, him and Aleem both played, you know, much better than they did before. They, I guess it really depends on how this season plays out.


Mm hmm.


now, if you're going to resign him, you could probably resign him 6 million a year or something like that. But you know, if he has another season, like he was tearing it up the end of last year. So if he has a whole season like that this year, he's probably looking to get paid. And he's looking for probably about twice as much as that. And then, you know, can we afford that? As you mentioned, we got Hutchinson's contract looming. I really feel like a liam is going to get paid.


Yeah, I think Aleem's going to get at least 25 million a year, probably more. Especially if the cap number goes up. I think he's looking,


thinking probably right around 20, but




same, you




up again this year, and then that's going to skyrocket.


Yeah, I, I think if he doesn't get 25 million a year, I'd be pretty shocked just looking at where everybody at the top five sits, when those guys sign, it's kind of like the next guy up gets, gets paid and he's, I'm not saying he's in the elite, elite class, but you know, if T. J. Reeder makes him look like a superstar this year, he is going to get paid. He's going to get the Brinkstruck backed up to his house.


I mean, if you say 25 million, that puts them above Quinn and Williams or the jets, Derek Brown. Justin Matt, who just signed,


Mm hmm.


That puts him above all those guys. Chris Jones is at 31 million. Christian Wilkins is at 27.


yeah, I just think it's one of those things that the cap keeps going up. So it's not necessarily like, do I think he's a better player than those guys? No, I'm not. I'm not saying that, but you know, if he's a free agent and you need defensive tackle help, he's going to be on your list. And when you have few elite guys going out, they're going to get paid I hope for his sake that he gets paid what he's worth for the lion's sake. and my sake, I hope that he's, be able to stay with the lions for whatever contract they can work out,


Right. Really wanted him to stay, but it's really hard not to talk about it. But the Hutchinson contract, if you talk about any of those, Hutchinson's the one that's gonna get paid.


Oh yeah.


And you know, he's gonna be, he's probably gonna leapfrog Bosa, I would assume.


Yeah. I would,


a hometown discount with him, or you know,


but I think the thing that I think if you look at the B'nai Suul deal, not that we're going to get into those contracts, you know, they bought him out of this fifth year contract, um, you know, and then extend them on that. I could see a similar thing happen with Aiden. And then you get to spread that signing bonus throughout that whole contract and that kind of lowers the cap hit throughout so I could definitely see them just doing that. They could just lower the cap hit and then hopefully that can help the contract situation out I don't see Aiden wanting to leave. I think Aiden's gonna make it worth You know he's gonna get his money and I think the team isn't gonna want him to leave either because he's Everything you want in a player, plus he's got the hometown, thing going on and he's just seeing this,




I wouldn't even say resurgence of lions because resurgence means they were there some before this emergence is what I guess I would say, you know, they've,




I can't see him wanting to leave just like I can't see Taylor want, you know, just as we're becoming a perennial winner, leaving during that, so I think they'll, they'll get the deal done. It's matter.


to the Taylor thing, um, know, the longest tenured lion.


Mm hmm.


been on the team longer than anybody else. Uh, he's going to be 32 when he signs the next contract. So that's another one. Do we get a hometown discount? I'm sure he wants to stay here. Like you said, he doesn't want to, you know, he's been here long enough. We finally got it going. I'm sure he wants to stay. How much of a discount do you get from him? Do you think they should pay him top money?


Yeah, I don't think he's gonna have top money in Nordo. I don't think he necessarily deserves top money. I wouldn't call him necessarily a premier left tackle in the league. And the fact with the age, so I think that, you know, you're going to spread that money out. Like I said, he's one of the higher cap hits this year on this year's cap. I think they lower that number and then, you know, you push those cap savings into the next couple of years when you got, you're starting to have these other big contracts. Yeah. I think that's the advantage of re signing Taylor is that. You're potentially saving money this year and then, you're locking down that left side again for another couple years and then, at that point, you got to decide whether you're just going to always keep Penne on the right or, is he your next left tackle and we're getting the right probably just depends on the player that, comes to us. I mean, whether through the draft or, free agency, at that time. The player that we didn't talk about was Carlton Davis. They restructured his deal, after they traded for him, gave up a third round pick, which is, you know, it's considerable investment, a third round pick, especially with Brian Holmes picking,


Yeah. When you're Brad Holmes, that's right. That's as good as a first.


You're gonna get a quality player. The draft kind of just fell the way it fell. I think the lines, I don't think they like, went out there and said, hey, we're gonna draft two cornerbacks. I think it just happened that, you know, they liked these two players that they got. They traded up for Tarion. Uh, and it's rake straw just kind of fell to them. Some where people were mocking them in the 29th spot. I think that they were happy to get them. I think depending on how those rookies develop, it makes Carlton Davis, you know, they, They're probably like, well, we don't need to extend them this year. We're going to see how he plays and how the rookies play, and then we'll kind of go from there. That's my read on it.


Exactly. We're in a good position, you know, see how it pans out.


that's, um, that's what I see. So from all that, I'm going to go back to that most important interception. That's all I'm going to be thinking about tonight after I start editing this.


What about the strong men?


Nope. Not going to be thinking about that at all. Um, well, I'll be thinking about it as I edit it out of the podcast and I'll leave it. You know, you keep saying strong men and the people are good.


Yeah, there


And everyone would be like, why is he keep mentioning strong men? So, all right, man. Well,


it on my own end so you can't twist these things around.


yeah, no, no, no. I, that's why I got the edit password and you don't even, I'm not even gonna share that with you. So,


That's fine.


Again, I just want to appreciate everyone that, you know, that, commented over on Reddit again. It, it's really made my day. It's kind of what I've been thinking about all day. So I really appreciate that. Jacob's working on the social media aspect. So we're, you know, we're getting the Facebook page is actually up. You, uh, you can, they could search on it right now. Correct. And then,


is live now.


okay, it's live. Haven't really pushed any content out there yet. We're kind of just. Seeing where all this leads and then we'll go from there. So, but you can go in there. If you want to comment to us, we'll be checking that page out and we can, you know, kind of have contact there also on the Reddit page. If you search up new lines podcast, it was in there. My, call name on there is just Woodrow jr. So if you see that, that's the, where, you know, there's kind of a thread already talking about our podcast. So I'll probably create a community at some point on there, but for right now, you could just go on there and read, you know, Read and comment on there and be, I'd really be happy to hear everybody's thoughts on that. The next one I think we're going to talk about is the resignings. We'll get that up, you know, just depending on, when we have time, but it's going to be once a week. So usually on Thursday nights, it seems like we're recording. So hopefully up on Fridays, um, I'll have this edited and up somewhere on Friday or Saturday, just depending on my work schedule and stuff like that.


Jason plays bingo on Wednesdays so we can't do


yeah, that's right. As much as, we were joking around here, Jacob and I were really happy. I'm just, I'm super proud of, um, he's able to do on his end also I would just want to give a shout out to, his wife, Deanna, who made the logo for us, I got a lot of positive comments on the logo. I love it. I know Jacob loves it. So I, I want to thank Deanna for, for doing what she did. She's an amazing artist. So we plan on making some shirts, with that logo on there and you know, we'll kind of just get that on socials if we're gonna Sell those or if we're going to give them a giveaways of some sort. So,




We're kind of playing with all that. So sorry, I don't have any for sure, information on that, but we're just playing this all by ear and, you know, and again, we really appreciate the support that we've seen so far. It's been, uh, more than I expected this early. I, I really, um, Just very grateful for all that. Anything else you want to add, Jacob?


Yeah, no, I just second that. You know, we're really just the ropes. We're really just very new, just getting things going. I mean Just creating the social media and just getting everything ready now. So to already have the response we've had is, you know, very positive, very good feeling.


So I, I'm just so appreciative of everything. So I, I, again, I'm kind of rambling on, but I, it's really mind blowing to me. I guess for Jacob, we'd like to thank everyone for listening for all the support that we've got now. I hope everyone, that's listening to this has a great day and, as always go lions.

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