Talking Grit: A Detroit Lions Podcast

Episode 7: Mini-Camp Round Up, Jake Bates Signing

Jacob Litton and Jason Harwood Season 1 Episode 7

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Jason welcomes back Jacob from vacation.  They reflect on the Jeremy Reisman episode.  Then quickly transition to Minicamp talk.  Jake Bates was signed by the Lions and the boys react.  Jacob and Jason then talk about Father's Day.  Finally another round of the Honolulu Blitz!

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Episode 7: Mini-Camp round up


Jason Harwood: Welcome back to Talking Grit. I'm Jason Harwood. And with me as usual is Jacob Litton. Hey man, it's good to have you back from vacation. I don't think we've talked much since the Jeremy Reisman episode. So, uh, how was vacation?

Jacob Litton: It was good. [00:01:00] We were in Florida. It was hot. You know, too hot. Couple mishaps on vacation. The air conditioner went out in the van.

Jason Harwood: Great timing. Great timing.

Jacob Litton: right. Can imagine how bad that was in the Florida heat with no air conditioning. But Went to Universal, did some cool things with the family. Nice to be able to, you know, be away from work and away from school and everything for a little bit. Uh, but it's good to be back home.

Jason Harwood: That's good. Bad news now is, we're going to be working together again. Yeah,

Jacob Litton: I still got another week away from that.

Jason Harwood: I know. That's nice. I got one picture from you from Universal and you're wearing a lion's hat. So even down there, you're repping the lions. That's cool. I thought if we'd also hit on the Jeremy Reisman, episode too, cause that was really cool that he joined the podcast.

I'm still kind of thinking it's surreal that he jumped on our podcast. So that was, that was really, really cool.

Jacob Litton: Very cool of him.

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: And you're right, it was a surreal experience. It was awesome though. Being able to talk to somebody with the, , inside [00:02:00] source like that. Someone that's been doing it for a long time you can tell by talking to them and everything, just knowledgeable.

Jason Harwood: We went over the outline with him ahead of time and he was cool with everything and yeah, he just. Was a pro. He just came on, was able to talk about everything at ease. And yeah, it was, uh, it was pretty amazing and he was really nice to us afterwards. Talked to us, gave us some advice, and yeah, really appreciate it.

It was, it was awesome. great, great experience.

Jacob Litton: football. He hopped right on like it was nothing.

We're just talking grit, you know,

Jason Harwood: yeah, exactly. Well, he's welcome to come back for sure. anytime less, I have to talk to you.

Yeah, I know. Yeah. Well, maybe you'll show up next time too.

Jacob Litton: Yeah. Are you going to let me talk next time?

Jason Harwood: You were having issues that night too, so I can leave it at that, but you were, you had some family issues that night that, uh, needed to be taken care of. So it was a pro that you jumped on when you [00:03:00] did. So I appreciate it.

Jacob Litton: a baseball game and my son took a fastball to the hand. But it's not broken. So

Jason Harwood: Yeah. So his son was in the emergency room as we're recording that episode. Jacob's getting updates on his phone. 

yeah, that was just the start of my luck towards


Jacob Litton: I should have seen it coming.

Jason Harwood: I know that did start it right off. It's really. Really poorly, that sucks. But you know, what doesn't suck is Lions football. And that's what we're going to talk about.

Now. We're going to talk a little bit about mini camp wrap up. We're in this down period now where all the players kind of get their final rest before training camp hits. First question I got for you, Jacob is what position group are you most interested in seeing how it shakes out in training camp?

Jacob Litton: I think that's an obvious one. It should be right. I mean, I think we're all looking at the cornerback. We're all looking at the defensive back group. That was our, our weak spot last year. And that's where we've made the most changes, the most [00:04:00] improvement it looks like. Obviously when you look at the players that we have in We really want to see how that shakes out.

Who know, they're fighting for spots. I want to see exactly what happens. I want to see the depth chart. Well, who do you think right now, if you just had to guess before we even get into it, depth chart wise, who do you think starting if you just had to pick the two corners?

Jason Harwood: Oh, it's definitely Carlton Davis and Tarion just, and the players seem to be pretty much on Tarion that he's the real deal. He showed out pretty good in minicamp and I think even the vets were impressed with him, so I, I'd be shocked if it's anywhere close. You know, a lot of times they'll slow play it, but I just, I think Terrian, he'll start out with the second team and then move up.

But I think it's going to be Terrian covering the number two and Carlton Davis covering the number one. How about you?

Jacob Litton: But I mean, based on where we drafted him and everything also, do you think that's even really beneficial to throw them out there with a second team? Or should we just [00:05:00] throw them right out there and see what he's got?

Jason Harwood: Based on how the Lions kind of do all their rookies is they generally don't throw them right out on the first team. I think that he might just go out on the second, because a lot of times they'll do the second and then rotate him up on the first, and then, , if he's, you know, kind of overmatched, then he'd go back down to second, but I think he's going to be shuffled between the first and the second team.

I don't think he even sees the third team. I don't, unless, you know, something happens.

Jacob Litton: a point. I don't think that that helps him out or helps us out at all.

Jason Harwood: No.

Jacob Litton: what it's looking like right now is that Carlton is going to be matching up with the wide receiver one. You got Terry on it too. And then you got a meek looking at the nickel spot, right?

Jason Harwood: Yeah. That's how I, how I see it now. However, Emmanuel Mosley, if he's healthy, where could he be, um, two years ago when he was healthy, he was. Playing like a number one so, you know, it's a good problem to have

Jacob Litton: You've got the other rookie

rake [00:06:00] straw. 

Jason Harwood: I think it's good that we don't have to really count on rake straw to come right in.

The cornerback is traditionally a hard position to come right in and play at a high level. So it's good that we can slow play him a little bit, at least, you know, if everyone comes in healthy. So I think that's to his advantage. However, this, regime has shown that if he comes out and plays well, then he'll be out there.

You know, they go base on play.

Jacob Litton: right, right. That's what I'm interested to see how that all shakes out and see who, who outperforms who. Even when you look at the safety position though, mean, we've got Branch, Kirby Joseph, and you've got Iffy.

There's two true starters, technically, out of safety. I think all three of them are gonna get playing time,

but that's gonna be a battle there too.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, my feeling is, just based on everything that I've seen, they're not gonna pull Brian Branch he's gonna be on the field at all the time, so if he's not a safety, he's gonna be nickel, 

Jacob Litton: He's dangerous [00:07:00] everywhere.

Jason Harwood: what's crazy is that, is that push iffy off now being a starter, even though he arguably was one of our top defensive players in the last, you know, six games of the season, the regular season.

That'll be interesting to see how that all shakes out. it'd be a shame to keep iffy off the field because he was a game changer last year.

Jacob Litton: Exactly. But I mean, when you're looking on paper, and you're looking at the depth chart, it actually looks that way.

Jason Harwood: I know.

Jacob Litton: looks like Branch and Kirby are gonna be the safeties, and then Iffy's gonna have to rotate. Which, how he played towards the end of last year, I mean, that's crazy to think about that the position group is so deep now that somebody like that's gonna be coming off the bench.

Jason Harwood: yeah, that's okay. I mean, injuries happen, so it's nice to have that depth. 

Jacob Litton: Knock on wood.

Why would you say that?

Jason Harwood: Cause it happens every year, man. But, 

Jacob Litton: we already had a scare.

Jason Harwood: yeah, We did have one scare, but, You know, at least that that person wasn't gonna be a starter. It was a scare, and you don't want to see anybody injured, but Uh, it wasn't, CJGJ going down, the [00:08:00] first, was that first day of training camp?

Remember that at work? Yeah. Remember at work and we're like, Oh God, this is how it's going to start.

I think another interesting group, besides just the cornerbacks, is gonna be our defensive line. Mostly it's because the reports about Levi playing well, it's hard to judge a defensive line with no pads, so I, you know, that could all be. For Nat, but if he plays well, it's going to be interesting to see how the line shakes out DJ Reader and Aleem are your starters, who's going to be the next one up, um, they were even, I read things, they were trying to leave out on the edge, so that's kind of interesting,

Jacob Litton: It's nice to have two, especially on the D line, and on the interior D line, because you can rotate those guys in and out, and let everybody, you know, get a playoff, fresh set of legs, and just, you know, keep up the intensity.

Jason Harwood: yeah, that would be nice, , Levi could come in and spell Aleem, and play next to a DJ or, Levi could play next to Aleem and Aleem can play [00:09:00] more of the nose cause he can do that. So that'd be, it's going to be kind of interesting if he, if Levi can play, if he's healthy, if he, you know, plays to the level that the Lion's Eden to play, it kind of just adds another person in there.

Jacob Litton: Broderick Martin, we don't know what's

Jason Harwood: Yeah, we, we don't know. And then they also have that Matthew Betts, who's the, who was the Canadian football league defensive player of the year he might be coming on just as special teams until he can get ready to play, I know a cornerback is mostly because it's our draft picks and we have some high draft picks.

We want to see how that shakes out, but I think defensive line is going to be interesting as well. We won't see DJ reader for a while. So. The other guys are going to have a chance at training camp to, you know, get more snaps and, and show out.

Jacob Litton: Yeah, I agree outside of that, maybe not in terms of, positional battle, but to see what's going on with the wide receivers. I'm kind of interested to see how we utilize everything there too. you know, cause we already [00:10:00] know I'm on Ross wide receiver one, you got Jameson wide receiver too. That's where you're kind of looking at who's going to take over, Josh Reynolds spot, who's going to get those targets is JMO going to take that leap that we're hoping, know, was drafted high. We've seen what he can do. If he can do that consistently, you imagine if towards the end of the year it's more like, you know, wide receiver 1A and 1B, if him and Amon Ra are both playing at a high level?

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I think Jamo can just, he pushed those safeties back just a little bit, and if he can do that consistently, if we could show enough threat to go over the top, the intermediate stuff where Amun Ra just eats up yardage, that could just, And Laporta too, uh, you know, in the intermediate routes, man, that could be a devastating combo.

They're going to have to respect JMO speed. It's a matter of, can we consistently get enough deep threat? [00:11:00] To make it a viable, like, okay, we got to back up. We can't, we can't play out close to the line because they're going to just go deep on us. And if the safeties have to play back, that helps the running game too.

You know, the running game, the run game has more space. They can't pull the safeties down into the box to stop Montgomery and Gibbs. So I, it all works together. I mean, Ben Johnson is the ultimate chess player. He'll, he'll figure it all out, but it's going to take the players to perform. And hopefully. Jamo can do what we need him to do.

And that is to just put the threat of the deep ball in there. And, and, and golf's got to get it to him.

Jacob Litton: Right. No, I'm excited about that potential too. You can also, you know, you got Deemo and Gibbs in the backfield at the same time. You got Gibbs running out to the slot, or you can just run her out from the backfield. Then you've got Amon Ra. You've got Laporta, Jamo, and Jha all out there. That's crazy. And with our line giving, [00:12:00] um, golf time.

Jason Harwood: I know it's,

Jacob Litton: if the threat for the deep ball is there, we've got that whole inside to play with and we've got some guys that are real dangerous with the ball in their hands.

Jason Harwood: yeah, you give those guys open space. I mean, you give, give open space. He's already shown he's going to juke you out of your shoes and take it to the house. Just thinking three years ago, how talent poor the team was, and now. We're sitting here thinking, you know, we have so many options to go to, and hopefully, people are healthy again, I think the forgotten wide receiver is Khalif Raymond.

He can, if you give him space, he's super fast too. , he didn't seem to be as relied upon as, um, as he was the previous year he seemed to be more relied upon on third down kind of switched to more Josh Reynolds last year felt like.

Jacob Litton: He's quick, shifty, if you're running him from the slot.

He had 44 targets last year. Reynolds had 64.

Jason Harwood: Okay. Yeah.

Jacob Litton: [00:13:00] that far off. I think that he only caught, like, 5 or 6 less passes than Reynolds. It just seemed like Reynolds was out there in the red zone and more impactful catches.

Jason Harwood: I think we had talked before, Josh Reynolds third down, he was looked to on third down quite a bit, and then also on the red zone. So maybe that's You know, part of it too is perception because those are the big money down. So you're going to remember those down.

DPJ is going to be another one. Is he gonna, step up? We gonna need him, , to hopefully catch some third down passes just. Take a little, you know, it has to do everything that Josh Reynolds does, but we got to replace him piecemeal. So hopefully he's part of that.

And the other guy that they've been talking about is Antoine Green. It'll be interesting to see him out there. They, I've heard even Brad Holmes talk him up a little bit. Whether that's just minicamp talk and coach speak, you know, I'm not sure, but

he's had a year to develop so.

Jacob Litton: Yeah. That's what I was saying. Not so much, fighting for depth chart, you know, wide receiver [00:14:00] one, wide receiver two position, but I mean, we know the guys are going to be on the team. How are the targets going to be spread around? I don't think that they're going to be cutting any of these players.

Jason Harwood: One other position group that I'm kind of interested in seeing, and it's not a position battle at all, but it's quarterback, just because I want to see Hennon Hooker out there throwing passes and, see how he can perform.

I think it'll be, you know, interesting to see His growth, , he had some ups and downs, it sounds like, in Minicap. He's gonna have time to refresh himself during this, you know, time off, and then go for it. So it'll be interesting to see how he does. And I'm also looking forward to seeing him in the preseason games.

Jacob Litton: For sure. In the preseason, see what he's got. Now that he's healthy, he's going to get a full season to work with. There's no pressure on him to perform. I heard the same thing, you know, kind of up and down. They actually had him a camera attached to his helmet, I guess, the last practice session.

Um, and that wasn't, for social media or wasn't released to anything, I [00:15:00] guess, you know, they're just looking to see what he sees on the field or looking to see how he's reading his progressions. But that was something I thought that was interesting. They said the camera was attached to his helmet the whole practice,

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I saw a picture of that, and then I read that article as well, and I thought that that was interesting. Cause, I've never seen that coach coaching tool used before so maybe it's specific for him or maybe it's something they're just trying They just want to see what he's seeing then he'll probably be able to go and review and that'll just be another training tool So, is there any other position groups that you're particularly looking at in training camp?

Jacob Litton: no, I think we covered it. I did want to talk about something. Uh, You know, Dan Campbell had said in an interview and I texted you, I was watching the interview live and I texted you right away is when he talked about Aleem playing fullback.

Jason Harwood: Oh, yeah. Yes.

Jacob Litton: mentioned that right away, I was like, Oh my God, I got to text Jason.

I texted you right away. Like as the live interview was happening, I didn't realize when he had said it, but I guess that he actually played running [00:16:00] back in high school.

Jason Harwood: Yeah,

Jacob Litton: any of those

Jason Harwood: I did. I saw them actually on Twitter. Um, believe it or not, I was on there and I saw them, I saw someone tweeted it out and I was like, all right, he, he's not, he doesn't look super swift out there, but it, I mean, a guy that big running the ball is impressive.

Jacob Litton: Right. Well, you know, they last year we put Rodrigo out there for a little bit. Um, know, think Aleem's as fast as Rodrigo, but he's a wrecking ball, and I assume when he's out there, he's going to be out there to make holes and not necessarily carry the ball. But, you know, fourth in one situation, if you see Aleem McNeil run out there, the defense is going to have to think about that,

Jason Harwood: I know.

Jacob Litton: a lot you can do with that.

Jason Harwood: I just thinking Aleem running behind Zeitler and Penesul over the right side. That's a lot of beef coming.

Jacob Litton: you imagine a corner trying to take down

Jason Harwood: a coroner's gonna make a, you know, the Deion Sanders business decision and be like, Ah, [00:17:00] next time, I'm the one that's looking at those press conference tapes first and telling you, Hey, look at this. So that was, when I got the text from you, I was like, Oh, this has got to be good if Jacob's on it already.

Jacob Litton: I actually know I watched live.

Jason Harwood: Um, so we talked about the cornerback room, but one thing we didn't talk about, another thing that come out in the, uh, those press conferences, Derek Barnes let it slip about Terry Arnold's, uh, nickname. Uh, do you like it?

Jacob Litton: Oh, I love it.

Jason Harwood: Yeah,

Jacob Litton: Zero. That was actually my favorite character in Mortal Kombat.

Jason Harwood: I know.

Jacob Litton: with the blue and everything, you know, just perfect nickname.

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: you think?

Jason Harwood: Oh, I loved it. I was like, Oh man. And usually it's Dan Campbell dropping the nicknames, I just want to hear Tarion acknowledge the Sub Zero, but I think we can let everybody know now we're, um, Jacob and I are in the process of putting together a shirt, uh, where you got some concept art.

Actually my nine year old. Drew the concept art. He did a very good job. 

Jacob Litton: I, [00:18:00] still think Jason drew it, but he's just blaming his nine year


Jason Harwood: No, I, if I drew it, it'd be worse. I'm, I'm not joking with you. That's why I asked my nine year old to draw it yeah, well, it does look good, but I wanted to have someone just clean it up just a tad bit.

Um, but

Jacob Litton: it's gonna be cool.

Jason Harwood: yeah, so

Jacob Litton: good idea. We'll have t shirts out available soon.

Jason Harwood: We'll figure out the details on that yet, but we're just kind of getting the art together. What I think I, I love the nickname, I think it's fun, when, uh, my youngest Bradley drew that picture, I was like, it was perfect, it was like, exactly what I had in my head, and I couldn't believe that he had done it.

Drawing it as well as it was easy to hire an artist cause I said, I want you to draw this, um, just a little bit better. Hopefully it comes out well, like it does in my head. So we'll, we'll see how that goes. Um, one thing, I don't know if you read Jacob, but a report came out about, um, the Arizona Cardinals originally tried to jump up to pick [00:19:00] 24.

Um, not necessarily for Terry and Arnold. Did you see that at all? Yeah.

Jacob Litton: I did. I saw where they had listed what the proposed trade was gonna be versus what we gave up.

Jason Harwood: It wasn't an accepted deal. So who knows if Dallas was going to take Arizona's deal, but it the report was Cowboys would have got, picks, 27 and one Oh four. And then the Arizona would have got picks 27 and one 74. Whereas with the deal, the Cowboys got picked 29 and 73 and we got picked 24.

And we got a 2025 seventh rounder. We gave up, , particularly more than Arizona was offering, but, um, if Tarion ends up being, you know, what we think he can be, it was, I don't really don't care that we had to give up more and

Jacob Litton: well worth it.

Jason Harwood: yeah.

Jacob Litton: do wish that we could find out who they were looking for.

Jason Harwood: Who Arizona was looking at.

Jacob Litton: for whatever reason that, you know, that deal didn't go through. was there a guy picked already? You know,[00:20:00] 

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: there?

Jason Harwood: Well, they, they were picked or the lines gave him a way better, way better deal than what Arizona was either willing to do or had the opportunity to do. 

Jacob Litton: Well, I mean the way it looked like it though, it looked like they were talking like almost like it was a done deal

Jason Harwood: yeah.

Jacob Litton: Cardinals and the Cowboys. So I guess, you know, maybe the Cowboys gave us a call and said, this is what you got to beat.

Jason Harwood: Who knows how that, you know, they don't show you all the negotiations. right. That would be cool to see though.

oh, yeah, that would be neat to be a fly in the room at that point and just kind of hear, you know, how that all goes and, you know, you get almost sense of that, but it's, you know, it's obviously very censored what you see and the team puts out what they want you to see, um,

Jacob Litton: team looks like they got exactly who they wanted,

Jason Harwood: yeah.

Jacob Litton: how they wanted it, and

Jason Harwood: Oh yeah. Yeah. They, I mean, they do that on purpose. I mean, it wouldn't be fair to the players where I'd be like, oh crap, we're ended up with so and so, you know,

Jacob Litton: Right.

Jason Harwood: you know, that wouldn't be, that wouldn't look too good. 

Jacob Litton: The Broncos. Crap, now we gotta draft Bo [00:21:00] Nix.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I'm just thankful all those quarterbacks went ahead because that's another thing that just pushed Tarion down that and the Raiders taking another tight end way up there. So that was just another thing It was just

Jacob Litton: Why wouldn't the Broncos have traded back though? You see all the quarterbacks that went, I mean.

Jason Harwood: why wouldn't Atlanta?

Jacob Litton: Raiders

Jason Harwood: wouldn't Atlanta trade back? I mean there was a report that the Bears tried to trade up with Atlanta and which would have been one pick So I mean unless in

Jacob Litton: obviously aren't going to be taking your

Jason Harwood: right they just drive to Caleb Williams. They're not gonna I I don't understand That unless you're thinking You know, we really want this quarterback.

What if Chicago trades ahead and then trades to some other team, which seems very unlikely that scenario would happen.

Jacob Litton: When you trade, how much of that time that doesn't reset, right? I mean, you get, get 10 minutes for the pick, I don't know how long, you know, presumably it would take for you to hammer out the details of a trade. You don't have much time, but they don't [00:22:00] add any more time for the next team.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I don't think so. I think you just kind of take over the clock. I, I guess I don't know the answer to that.

Jacob Litton: they ever, you know, traded a pick twice? I don't know that that's ever happened. Right,

Jason Harwood: Yeah. I, I mean, you think about how. That would have to happen. You'd have to have another conversation with another team like we're gonna trade up and get this because then The other team wouldn't be privy to that because then they would just trade directly with the first team They wouldn't go try to go through a second team So

Jacob Litton: And then if you run out of time, you lose that pick anyway, or you get skipped.

Jason Harwood: I don't know if that's totally truthful with that report about the Bears, you know Gonna trade up. I kind of wish it would have happened just because then the Bears would have had to give up something Um, and then they would have had, you know, presumably less draft picks later on, but maybe they wouldn't have drafted that punter.

Maybe they would have traded that pick where they drafted the punter.

Jacob Litton: Yeah, good for them.

Jason Harwood: One other thing that Dan Campbell said that I think is of note is that he pretty much, , expects to have a full training camp. The outside of DJ reader.

It sounds [00:23:00] like he expects everyone to be healthy at training camp. That's really, really good news.

Jacob Litton: Yeah, that's huge. I mean, uh, know, did he mention Moseley?

Jason Harwood: To me That means that mostly it's gonna be ready to play now whether that means

Jacob Litton: out DJ

Jason Harwood: He basically said DJ readers the only one so I mean whether that means that it mostly is gonna be full go You know, I don't know but it sounds like he's gonna be out there You know at least on the sidelines at the beginning hopefully he's ready to go when the season starts and he's healthy and that'll just deepen that room.

Jacob Litton: Right. A full training camp like that for everybody is amazing.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, it's good to start out that way as opposed to, alright, we got, you know, four or five guys injured and we'll see. So it'll,

Jacob Litton: there's still a lot of what ifs, and we don't know exactly.

Jason Harwood: yeah. Well, and then also if they're injured there, then they're gonna, even if they get healthy right before, week one, are they going to be ready to play, like DJ Reader, even if he's healthy week [00:24:00] one, is he going to be you know,

pro bowl player, or is he going to be,

Jacob Litton: Right, is he gonna be ready to go? Is he gonna be,

playing up to that speed?

Jason Harwood: right?

So, I mean, or is he going to be playing 25 percent of the snaps and, as he gets better? Built out the football shape, who knows? , it's good that we only have, you know, one player out and and Dan Campbell said it wasn't like a setback. This was expected.

They knew that this was an injury that didn't surprise them. I mean, it would have surprised them. I think if he's been ready to play as opposed to.

Jacob Litton: Yeah, outside of with that, you know getting carted off There was only a couple players even really got banged up during OTs or had any like notable things wrong 

Jason Harwood: Yeah, it sounded like they held some people back just for, precautionary reasons, either they had, slight injury risk or whatever, but it just sounded like, especially with the younger rookies, like Enes Reykstra, they kind of just held him out, probably, you Wanted him to see how the practice goes and, you know, [00:25:00] pick up things, um, on the mental side of the game as opposed to being out there.

, I'm sure in the next six weeks they gave him things to work on and, you know, they expect him to come back in football shape.

Jacob Litton: for sure

Jason Harwood: So, the Lions did have a big signing. I mean, huge signing. Everyone kind of expected this. I say huge as in, uh, yeah, I say huge as in, uh, It's kind of, you know, sarcastically, but it is pretty, exciting just cause, we've all been kind of expecting this, but Jake Bates, the kicker signed a two year deal.

What's your thoughts on that?

Jacob Litton: I mean, it was something obviously we were hoping for. We kind of expected because he played for the Michigan Panthers. He kicked in Ford field. It just made too much sense. Um, I like the signing, you know, I like it's another person to compete. I thought it was interesting that they gave him the two year deal. don't know if the two year thing was just something to outbid. You know, I saw like the Packers commanders. There was a couple of their [00:26:00] teams that wanted him. I don't know if there's something to with guaranteed money or why you offer him a two year contract from the jump. Did you look into that? Did you

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I read that the details of the contract aren't out yet, so we're just there for speculation. But one thing I did find interesting, I read that Um, just cause it's a two year deal doesn't mean much. I mean, we need to know the details of the contract because last year he signed a three year, 2. 6 million deal with the Texans, but then was cut.

So, cause he had little guaranteed money. So the two year deal just on the surface doesn't mean, you know, much like, Oh, he's definitely our kicker. I don't think it, I don't think it means that. However, um, you know,

Jacob Litton: guaranteed money though.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I'm thinking, you know, if you're outbidding the other teams, the Packers, I, again, we get to screw the Packers, which is awesome, um, hopefully he kicks a winning field goal against them and just really, rubs it in their face, that would be the best, uh, that would be the kicker of this deal, [00:27:00] but, uh, uh, pun very much intended, so sorry about that everybody, uh, but we did, so we don't know how much is guaranteed, I went through the stats so he was seven and seven for seven in the area of 40 to 49 yards, which is really good. Um, outside of 50 plus, he was six for 10. However, you know, that include two 60 yarders, a 62 and a 64 yarders. So we had four 60 yard balls.

Jacob Litton: this dude just kick from wherever.

And some of these kicks were like in clutch late game situations.

Jason Harwood: that 64 yarder was, he made that kick, but if you watch the game, he actually made a kick before the, there was like a timeout called last second by the defense and he went ahead and kicked it. He made it the first one that didn't count. And that was also from 64 yards. Yeah. So then I was like, you know, it's like one of those things.

You're like, Oh, he made it. There's no way he's going to make. 00260 four yards in a row, and he just kicked it clutch and he hit it. Again, [00:28:00] it's going to add competition, whether he just takes, takes it out of the gate. Badgley did not have that great of a minicamp

James Turner looked to have a little better statistically and he can kick a deep too, but, um, the lines were interested enough.

Jacob Litton: it was his job to lose, and then the Jake Bates signing comes in, and now you're like, now we got a competition.

Jason Harwood: , all those guys are heads on swivel. This guy's done it, and he can kick it deep, so I don't, it'll be interesting to see how it shakes out, um, I don't think,

Jacob Litton: uh, what you had said earlier, too, though, he, he does have NFL experience. He was in a camp last

Jason Harwood: mm hmm,

Jacob Litton: You know, he was let go. I think that he only played one preseason game before they let him go.

Jason Harwood: yeah, they do those kickers when they gotta, you know, they gotta clear a roster spot, so I mean, some of those guys don't get a very fair shake, cause,

Jacob Litton: be perfect to stay on.

Jason Harwood: right, and if you, and even that, If you have someone with more veteran experience, you know, you got to be [00:29:00] way better than them. You have to show considerable more talent because they're going to take the for sure option, or a more reliable option, I guess, as opposed to, you know, got this kicker that can kick really long, but we don't know how he's going to play an in game situation.

So why are the UFL Uh, could work for some of these guys and hopefully it works in his case. You know, he would have had no other way to showcase his talent, on a bigger stage than, other professional football leagues.

Jacob Litton: Right. Uh, you know, reminds me of the Cowboys kicker, Brandon Aubrey.

Jason Harwood: Oh yeah.

Jacob Litton: kind of had a similar, you know, they didn't really play high school football. Uh, you know, college soccer players.

They start showing out in the UFL. Now these NFL teams actually see them. They're getting the exposure. Um, they're The Cowboys gave Brandon Aubrey a shot and he was an all pro and the dude was just straight killing it. He did great. And I think that's another reason why the hype, around Jake Bates has been so high is just, we've seen [00:30:00] the success that can be had. That's what we're hoping translates. And, you know, helps that he's already been kicking in Ford

Jason Harwood: Yeah. I was going to say, isn't that interesting? Because now, you know, you've seen the environment he's going to kick in. And I think we talked in our schedule release podcasts A vast majority of like, I can't remember the, you know, 14 or the first 15 games are in a dome. So you've already seen when he can kick in those environments.

Right. And he's kicked at our home stadium, which is probably a very unique situation. I would think that we've seen him kick it, you know, in the, in the, the exact environment that he'll be kicking. And so, yeah, I do think that that's pretty awesome. I 

Jacob Litton: but, uh, the same field

Jason Harwood: Oh yeah, yeah. And the tickets were a little cheaper too.

Jacob Litton: Yeah.

Jason Harwood: Um, so, so he was six for 10. I know that's like a small sample size now, like he's been doing it for years, but I was interested in this cause I just looked up to see what the average, um, field goal percentage [00:31:00] was from a kicker from 50 plus, do you have any idea what NFL kicker the average from 50 pluses?

Jacob Litton: Just for all NFL kickers.

Jason Harwood: I got it from StatMuse, it goes back to 1938, so,

Jacob Litton: Oh God.

Jason Harwood: yeah,

Jacob Litton: mean, it's way more prevalent now than it was before. If it goes back that far, I'll say closer to 50,

Jason Harwood: it's,

Jacob Litton: percent

Jason Harwood: it's 74%. I, I was pretty surprised by that number. Now,

Jacob Litton: would say recently, I like within the last like five, 10 years, I would say it's been around that or higher,

Jason Harwood: yeah, and this was 50 not, 62, 64 yards

Jacob Litton: consistently.

Jason Harwood: Jake, Bates is kicking from, 60 plus where most teams, aren't gonna kick that unless you're, Justin Tucker and you're trying to win a game.

Jacob Litton: Well, I mean, with the lions, you saw how much we like going for it on fourth down and then we get down to the playoffs and it's like, man. I mean, a big time kick from about 50 yards or more. don't trust our kicker enough that we're going to be able to do [00:32:00] it.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, well, he trusted Badgley enough to do it in the Rams game and he came through but yeah, most part, you know,

Jacob Litton: Were you not holding your breath the whole

Jason Harwood: Oh,

Jacob Litton: there?

Jason Harwood: oh, yeah, I Yes,

Jacob Litton: the Ravens do that every time Justin Tucker comes

Jason Harwood: no, no,

Jacob Litton: it to be good every time.

Jason Harwood: exactly and from whatever distance, I mean, you know, he Hit that.

Jacob Litton: to hit the crossbar and break our hearts.

Jason Harwood: I know. God. Yes. Yeah, so, you know again, we're getting excited over a kicker, but it is the kicker that played for the Michigan Panthers.

Jacob Litton: little bit, but I mean, it, it's still very cool.

Jason Harwood: Yes Yeah, it was it was nice that we got him and it was interesting to see how many teams were in on him You know the UFL must have got you know, did its thing it got him some exposure So hopefully there's some other guys that can take advantage of it

Jacob Litton: Hey, he just needs a chance, right? Get your foot back in the door. And now, now you get to prove

Jason Harwood: who flip back in the door was that Was

Jacob Litton: That was not intended. That was just,

Jason Harwood: um, just, just, [00:33:00] you're,

Jacob Litton: genius just happening.

Jason Harwood: just, you know, I'm in awe, I wish the video was working so I could see your face, I just,

Jacob Litton: see,

Jason Harwood: I know,

Jacob Litton: it every time Jason

Jason Harwood: I know, just, I can't, I can't contain it, man, you just, it was quickly, you pointed out my pun really fast, I just wanted to return the favor to you, so, even though you didn't even know what you had done, so, whatever.

So is there anything else you want to add on Jake Bates or are we all kicked out?

Jacob Litton: Nope. I think we're good.

Jason Harwood: All right, man. All right. So, uh, Jacob and I are recording this on Sunday night. It's Father's Day, so happy Father's Day, Jacob.

Jacob Litton: Happy father's day to you.

Jason Harwood: Thank you. Um, hope you had a good day we thought, it would be interesting to just talk about a favorite lion's memory with either, as a father or as a son.

Even though this will come out after father's day, but since we're recording today, I thought it'd be fun. Do you have a favorite Lions memory, uh, as being [00:34:00] a dad or a son?

Jacob Litton: Uh, I do. So, you know. It's interesting for me because my oldest is 13 years old. He does not care for the lions. For whatever reason, he decided to be a Dolphins fan. I'm not sure how or where I went wrong, but, you know,

Jason Harwood: I have theories. I have theories.

Jacob Litton: I've made my peace with it. The youngest one or younger one, Milo, he he likes the lions.

He likes wearing his lion's gear and everything like that. JJ just likes. Uh, you know, picking the other team.

Jason Harwood: He's an older, he's contrarian right now, so maybe he'll, maybe he'll turn to the good side. You know, one.

Jacob Litton: maybe. We'll see. Hey, we're already doing better than the Dolphins did last year and he hasn't changed yet, so I don't know.

Jason Harwood: Yeah. But you know, JJ thinks that they have the best wide receiver core ever. So, you know, we'll see.

Jacob Litton: yeah, quarterback running back wide receiver. The flashy positions are the ones he thinks are better [00:35:00] at,

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: that's debatable. I do have a favorite moment, and it was actually, you know, Funny enough, it was in a So this was back in 2022 and this was the year that we were on hard knocks. So, you know, hype was pretty high for this season. This was our first home preseason game. Uh, shout out to my sister, Christina, cause she actually won tickets for this So I got to go to this game with my sister, my nephew, me, and my oldest son, JJ. It's a preseason game, so it's not quite the same as going to the regular season, but the crowd, you know, there was actually a lot of people there and were kind of treating it almost like a regular season game.

Everybody was getting loud and getting into it. It was pretty cool. moment happened though, it was around halftime. There's maybe it's the two minute warning had already happened. are in, I want to say maybe like row 15. Well, the people in front of us, you know, they start [00:36:00] filing out, trying to go to the bathroom and get food, whatever they're doing at halftime. So then I tell JJ, like, let's just, let's go down there. The lions are driving. They're coming this way. Let's go down there. We get down to the, the first row. So there's nobody between us and the field. We're in the first row and you know, he's kind of nervous. He's looking around like, are we allowed to sit here?

They're going to say anything. It's like, it's fine. Don't worry about it. And. We actually got to see, it was, uh, Devin Funches, they threw a lob pass to Funches and he caught it in the corner and came down with it, like, right in front of us, and that was an awesome moment, we jump up right away, we're celebrating, they're celebrating on the field. And you know, at the time, it was just, it was awesome to be able to see it in front of us. We go back to our seats. That was the game that David Blau fumbled that snap, and we ended up blowing it there at the end. Which took the wind out of everybody in the stadium. But, regardless, the moment was still cool.

It got even better, though, because when Hard Knocks aired, you know, they aired the episode. And you can actually see me and my son [00:37:00] sitting there. For that touchdown. They did a slow mo of the touchdown and you can see us in that first row and you can see us start to jump up and everything and that made the moment even better. I got a screenshot of it on my phone and everything. Ha

Jason Harwood: I always liked that moment. Um, you see it in baseball a lot, you know, just like a home run will happen. And then you see the crowd react and how long it takes, for them to react, I, I liked that moment where you're, you know, you're realizing you're seeing something awesome, like touchdown or a home run or whatever.

And you know, fan just starts jumping out. That's cool. Yeah. What did

Jacob Litton: and you're looking at everybody in the crowd seeing all their different reactions.

Jason Harwood: JJ think about being on TV?

Jacob Litton: Oh, he thought it was cool. I actually had to wake him up because I, you know, I think Hard Knocks came out like Sunday night. It was like, oh, nope. get up. You gotta see this. We're on TV.

Jason Harwood: Get up, son. Screw school. You got to get up. You're on TV. You're on, you're on HBO, man.

Jacob Litton: Yeah, no, it was awesome.

Jason Harwood: That's awesome.

Jacob Litton: And it's funny because he was wearing lion's gear. I [00:38:00] made him wear lion's gear for the game and now I've always got that proof.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, that's awesome. That's really cool. Any, just a moment with, your sons or whatever is, fun thing. And yeah, now that you can hold that over his head, that's, that's even better too. Yeah. So mine, uh, oddly enough involves the dolphins too. Um, a few years ago, one of my brothers is a huge, Um, Dolphins fan, it started in the Dan Marino era.

It's just kind of carried through. So, you know, we'll see what about JJ, but my brother just carried it all through. Now he doesn't root against the Lions. He just, it's kind of like an SOL Lions, um, person that he just thinks that they're always going to screw it up. And so the Dolphins are his team, which is fine.

So the Lions were playing in Miami. Um, a few years ago. My other brother, Jeff and my dad, we all went down and kind of spent a weekend down in Miami and, um, got [00:39:00] to see the lions beat the dolphins. So that was so great to, you know, throw it on my brother's face. Um, love that part of it, but it was, it was fun to just kind of be with my dad.

As an adult, you don't get a lot of. Opportunity to just spend extended time with your parents, especially after you start having kids, you know, you just, life gets really busy. Um, and so it was nice to just spend the weekend with them. And then we all got to go to, you know, lions game and it was just a fun, fun time.

And I'll, I'll remember that. And then I had another experience with my boys just at the lion, well, we got season tickets last year. So the whole season each game had its own moments. I had spoke before about the Rams, you know, when we beat the Rams in the playoffs and my, my oldest Preston said, I'll remember this for the rest of my life.

So that's probably as a dad, that's all right. That's number one, but I'll always remember taking that trip with, you know, with my dad and my two brothers that added to it, my brothers were there. So that, that was a lot of fun. And the fact that we were down in Miami and, You know, it was kind of [00:40:00] far away.

So it was, it was, it was fun.

Jacob Litton: on the cake.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, it was, it was really cool. I'll, I'll always remember that. We've been talking about doing a road trip again, but we haven't found the destination yet. So I'm sure it'll, it'll happen. Oddly enough, the away tickets are becoming a lot more affordable than the home tickets.

So. It's crazy, you know, but yeah, so happy Father's Day to every Dad that's listening to this. Hope that you had a good day and hope that you get to create some memories with your kids Whether it's Lions or sports or whatever. So I think we're gonna get into our favorite segment You guys are ready for it.

I've heard some good reviews from people on this and I I like it, you love it, we call it the Honolulu Blitz.

Jacob Litton: All right. Here we go. In what round did the Lions draft kicker Jason [00:41:00] Hansen? 

Jason Harwood: This is a Lion's thing. I'm gonna say a third round.

Jacob Litton: It was a second round.

Jason Harwood: Oh, man.

Jacob Litton: though. Second round pick. Bonus question. Do you know what year that was?

Jason Harwood: I don't know what year that was, but I'm gonna say, I'm gonna guess, so, uh, 91.

Jacob Litton: Ooh, 92.

Jason Harwood: 92, man. I was one off on both, right?

Jacob Litton: Right. No, that was still impressive. Uh, who are the only three Lions players to score more than 100 points in a season? And this is not including the kickers.

Jason Harwood: Oh, not including kickers. I was gonna say,

Jacob Litton: that have scored more than 100 points in a season, there's only been three.

Jason Harwood: Oh, I'm gonna say Barry Sanders is obviously one of them.

Jacob Litton: He was number three.

Jason Harwood: Calvin Johnson's gotta be number two.

Jacob Litton: Not Calvin.

Jason Harwood: Oh, really? Wow. Oh, man. I guess, um,

Jacob Litton: One of these is a really ancient player that you've mentioned before.

Jason Harwood: oh, is it Billy Sims?

Jacob Litton: No.

Jason Harwood: Doke Walker?

Jacob Litton: It is

Jason Harwood: All right. Yeah, I could have thrown that out there. [00:42:00] Yeah. Um,

Jacob Litton: And the other one is a recent player.

Jason Harwood: really? Um, like, give me Matt Patricia era or past or before Matt Patricia?

Jacob Litton: This is, uh, Dan Campbell era.

Jason Harwood: Oh, uh, Jameson Williams. Or, not Jameson Williams, Jamal Williams.

Jacob Litton: Yeah, right, you got him.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I was gonna say. Yeah, because he broke Barry Sanders records.

Jacob Litton: did it twice. He had 128 point season and 106 point season, and then Jamal Williams had 104 points, and Barry Sanders actually had 102

Jason Harwood: 102.

Jacob Litton: a season.

Calvin I

think hit 98 that one year that he did really well.

Jason Harwood: haven't thought with the yardage, but maybe just didn't score enough touchdowns. I mean, the yardage here.

Jacob Litton: just, yeah, for a hundred, points.

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: receivers to get.

Jason Harwood: Oh yeah. For sure.

Jacob Litton: Yeah, I think there were three kickers on the list. Jason Hansen was on there

Jason Harwood: Well, Eddie Murray would have been the other one. Yeah, cause, for, I mean, for my childhood, it was Eddie Murray [00:43:00] kicked for the Lions forever, and then they went to Jason Hansen, and then we struggled with the kickers for a little bit, got Matt Prater, and now we're back to, uh, the

Jacob Litton: Not knowing for

Jason Harwood: yeah, exactly.

Jacob Litton: Okay, um, what current divisional opponent do we have the worst winning percentage against?

Jason Harwood: Like all time.

All time. You got a

I'm gonna say the Bears. Vikings.

Jacob Litton: It's actually the Vikings.

Jason Harwood: Ehh.

Jacob Litton: winning percentage against the Vikings is 352.

Jason Harwood: Really? It's that bad?

Jacob Litton: I was very surprised by that. That's why I wanted you to guess.


Jason Harwood: Yeah, well, the Packers went through a period where they were, weren't very good, like, between the Bart Starr, you know, winning Super Bowls early, and then, all the way up to Brett Favre, they were, you know, kind of mingling teams, like, we probably racked up some wins there.

Jacob Litton: Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers, and now Jordan Love.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, well, know your history, Bart Starr was their quarterback that they, [00:44:00] you know, that won the first Super Bowl.

Jacob Litton: star.

Jason Harwood: Mm hmm. That's right.

Jacob Litton: Uh, what coach leads the Lions in all time victories? So not winning percentage, but who has the

Jason Harwood: Well,

Jacob Litton: of wins.

Jason Harwood: I'd say Wayne Fonse.

Jacob Litton: Correct.

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: wins. Dan Campbell actually has six, er, has 24 wins right now.

And Wayne had 66, and that's the most all time.

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: So Dan could match that. And you know,

Jason Harwood: Yeah, it's three or four years depending on, you know, well, they keep adding games We'll see.

Jacob Litton: right?

Jason Harwood: Is that regular season wins?

Jacob Litton: Yes, I believe

Jason Harwood: Okay, so probably doesn't, you know,

Jacob Litton: Would

Jason Harwood: explain.

Jacob Litton: would

Jason Harwood: Yeah Well, Dan Campbell's already won more playoff games than any Lions coach in the Super Bowl era. So,

Jacob Litton: I believe it's just regular season. All right. Uh, final question for you. Who is your most hated NFL player of all time? You personally.

Jason Harwood: oh man It's Aaron Rodgers for sure. I cannot stand that guy. Brett Favre's up there though, [00:45:00] too Just because of what kind of a person he's turned in to be Yeah, I mean, kind of both, 

Jacob Litton: mean, that's the aspect with Aaron Rodgers too. You hate him for, you know, what he's done to us on the field, but you also can't really stand him for off the field stuff

Jason Harwood: well, I mean, Aaron Rodgers way more than, than Brett Favre just in,

Jacob Litton: There's

Jason Harwood: uh,

Jacob Litton: about it.

Jason Harwood: yeah, well, you know, Brett Favre just had some cool, he had some cool moments like, you know, the Monday night football when his dad passed away, he played really well. He had some moments where I like, It's hard saying I root for Packers, but I didn't necessarily hate him.

When he started getting towards the end of his career and he started like retiring and then they did the unretiring and all that stuff, then, um, you know, I was getting tired of, of Brett Favre and then Aaron Rodgers just was, you know, Aaron Rodgers. And I can't stand him at all. Um,

Jacob Litton: why.

Jason Harwood: Are you ready [00:46:00] for, are you ready?

Jacob Litton: I'm

Jason Harwood: All right, man. All right. I have a trivia question to start out with. Who broke the a hundred yard, rushing game drought? Um, and he did it in 2018. There was like a 70 game drought where Lions didn't have a hundred yard rusher. Any idea who that rusher would have been?

Jacob Litton: 2018. Oh man. So somebody that wasn't around a whole lot. Joyke Bell.

Jason Harwood: Nope. Any other guesses or you want me to tell you?

Jacob Litton: Hang on, let's see here. 2018. Reggie Bush.

Jason Harwood: No, that you're gonna this one's carry on Johnson. So carry on Johnson He did it against the Patriots isn't like the Matt Patricia revenge game or whatever where they beat the the Patriots

Jacob Litton: I

Jason Harwood: was

Jacob Litton: game.

Jason Harwood: or you that's funny What you mentioned Reggie Bush? He was the previous one to do it in 2013 So there was like between Reggie Bush and carry on Johnson.

Jacob Litton: years, timeline. 

Jason Harwood: I liked [00:47:00] carry on Johnson. I thought he was good, but he just, his knee kept getting injured.

Jacob Litton: Right, right.

Jason Harwood: Cause, uh, actually at that, I didn't want to talk about this during the father's day segment, but carry on Johnson had like 179 yards in that Miami game.

I didn't want to say that cause I was kind of give away the answer to this question. But, uh, yeah, it was 2018 when we went and carry on Johnson. I went to that game and I told my brother, I told him, I was like, carry on. It's going to rip you up. Cause he was playing pretty well and he did. He did. He had a really good game.

Um, all right.

Jacob Litton: a lot of flashes.

Jason Harwood: He did. It was just too bad.

Jacob Litton: you

Jason Harwood: Yeah, it's just too bad. Uh, second question. In what game last year did the Lions score the most points?

Jacob Litton: Oh, man. It wasn't the Ravens.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, well, captain obvious. Okay. Thanks.

Jacob Litton: Was it the Packers?

Jason Harwood: It looked like it. There you go. Broncos is one of them. Actually, the [00:48:00] Broncos and the Panthers game, they both scored 42.

Jacob Litton: yeah.

Jason Harwood: They scored 42, but there was another game that's really close. Uh, the Chargers game scored 41.

Jacob Litton: We scored 34 against the Packers.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, so who would play Dan Campbell in a movie if they made a movie of the 2023 Lions, which, uh, who would play Dan Campbell in the movie?

Jacob Litton: Who would play Dan Campbell?

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: hang on. I gotta think about that for a second.

Jason Harwood: I know it's a tough one, right?

I've had the advantage of thinking about this, so I have the perfect answer, but I want to hear your 

Jacob Litton: No one's even popping in my head. No

Jason Harwood: Soon as I say this person, you're going to be like, yes.

Jacob Litton: don't have an answer. yours is. John Cena.

Jason Harwood: All right, man. John Cena. Gotta play him. He's, he's the one that's built like him and he could 

Jacob Litton: If

Jason Harwood: play with,

Jacob Litton: movie,

Jason Harwood: yeah, well, I mean, it wouldn't be a serious thing. But yeah, I think John Cena's the only one that I could think. [00:49:00] Yeah,

Jacob Litton: like Liam Neeson, trying to think of dramatic actors. Like nobody's built like Dan Campbell who can do that.

Jason Harwood: I know. Yeah. So, yep. All right, man. That was a fun.

Jacob Litton: Dan Campbell pulls an eight mile. He plays himself

Jason Harwood: I

Jacob Litton: in the movie.

Jason Harwood: know, and he blows everyone away, right? All right. Outside of Detroit, where's a venue that you want to see a sporting event at? It doesn't have to be football. It could be, you know, any sport.

Jacob Litton: I've always wanted to go to Wrigley Field and see a Cubs game.

Jason Harwood: Alright, so, besides Sandlot, because you've already told me that that's your favorite movie of all time. What is the best sports movie ever? Can't use Sandlot, though. 

Jacob Litton: It's tough between two, but I'm gonna say Remember the Titans.

Jason Harwood: Okay, what's your other one?

Jacob Litton: was thinking the other one was Friday Night Lights. I like both those movies.

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: I had JJ watch Remember the Titans with me not even that long ago.

Jason Harwood: What do you think?

Jacob Litton: That's a classic. He liked it too.

Jason Harwood: Yeah. I,[00:50:00] 

Jacob Litton: I mean that one it's like a bigger story than football where Friday Night Lights is basically everything it's about football There's a couple other stories, but you know,

Jason Harwood: yeah.

Jacob Litton: what's your answer for that now?

I want to know

Jason Harwood: Oh, I, I could go a lot of different directions with this. Um, you know, I was boxing a sport,

Jacob Litton: Something preferably not in black and white

From the sound 

era, hopefully 

Jason Harwood: Yeah, Rocky would be one of mine. I just think that that's an amazing movie. Um, you know, I can't use say a lot. I really like I'm with you. I really liked that movie and that was fun showing my boys that movie.

So I do like that one. Um, any given Sunday is pretty good. Uh, if you've seen that or.

Jacob Litton: Yeah

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I like that. Um, you know, on the funny side, Major League is really funny and I really like that one. I don't know how much of that gets made now just because of how everything is portrayed, but I really like Major League.

I think that's a hilarious movie. 

Jacob Litton: JJ actually he was listening. He said that [00:51:00] you're wrong about John Cena He said stone cold Steve Austin would have been a better choice

Jason Harwood: really, you think,

Jacob Litton: I think you know if you look the side by side, I think that he looks way more

Jason Harwood: yeah, well,

Jacob Litton: to pull the dramatic effect.

Jason Harwood: yeah. And he has the goatee, right? He, does he wear, he wore goatee. Yeah. So I was like, can John Cena pull off a goatee? JJ tell JJ that Stone Cold was in my mind too. And I did think of him, but I still think John Cena, um, but I can get behind him. I, I support his, answer.

Jacob Litton: All right.

Jason Harwood: Um, but yeah, man, so it was great to actually talk to you.

You've been on vacation.

Jacob Litton: back doing it

Jason Harwood: Yeah. I've been just kind of texting here and there, and I kind of felt bad texting you sometimes, cause I know you're on, you know, family time with your kids. Your kids so

Jacob Litton: Hey, you already know. You text me whenever. If I can't get back to you right away, it might take me eight hours to text you back, but I will

Jason Harwood: I know and I'm [00:52:00] I'm sitting and staring at my phone for those full eight hours Just so you know

Jacob Litton: I can

Jason Harwood: just like oh, man.

Jacob Litton: me six text messages in a row.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I know Well, that's cuz the thought hits me and I'm like if I don't send it now Then I'm not gonna be able to send it, you know,

Jacob Litton: happens when you're older.

Jason Harwood: Jacob has responded to every one of my tweets Tex, you know, since we've, been friends, except for one, and that's when I invited him to a cornhole tournament, and I think it's because he was scared, and didn't want, to embarrass himself, even, because I am fairly decent, and I'm, I'm, I can play, and I'm a good player.

Jacob just never responded to it, and I had to bring it up to him after the tournament was over. He's like, oh, I, I, I just forgot to, forgot to respond to that. So

Jacob Litton: did.

Jason Harwood: yeah. Mm hmm. So it's just convenient.

Jacob Litton: want. I prefer to play football, baseball. Jason can't do any of those things. He can play cornhole.

Jason Harwood: Hey, man, I could play it.

Jacob Litton: And he has to ice his wrists afterward.

Jason Harwood: I don't know what the audience member is. I'm, I'm good, man. I like, I like sports that I can drink a [00:53:00] beer while I'm playing. So

Jacob Litton: Of course.

Jason Harwood: bowling, bowling and, you know, uh, cornhole lead the way. Um,

Jacob Litton: very much athletic abilities.

Jason Harwood: yeah, you know, that's okay.

Jacob Litton: to.

Jason Harwood: It's okay, man. When you get my age, things start to break down.

You'll, you'll get there. You're going to get there soon enough. So, all right, before we get out of here, I just wanted to, again, ask if you're enjoying what you're listening to, please, go on your, whatever your app of choice that you listen to podcasts on, give us a review. Um, love to hear what you guys thoughts on, what you like.

Hopefully, it's good, but if there's something that we can get better on, we we'd like to hear that too. Thanks everybody for listening. It's good to have you back, Jacob. I'm actually, you know, looking forward to going back to work with you. Uh, so I'm missing you at work.

So I am happy that, and I'm happy that we get to, talk lions, football other than just, via text. So it's awesome. Everyone have a good [00:54:00] night and go lions.​

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