Talking Grit: A Detroit Lions Podcast

Episode 8: The Top 10 Devastating Losses Every Detroit Lions Fan Remembers

Jacob Litton and Jason Harwood Season 1 Episode 8

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In this episode of 'Talking Grit,' hosts Jason Harwood and Jacob Litton revisit the top 10 most heartbreaking Detroit Lions losses. They discuss the significance of each loss in detail, sharing personal anecdotes and reflections on why these games are etched in the memories of Lions fans. The script also highlights the emotional impact on fans and the broader implications these losses had on the Lions' seasons and their history as a team.

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Episode 8: Detroit Lions Top 10 Devastating Losses

Jason Harwood: [00:00:00] Welcome back to Talking Grit. With me is Jacob Litton. I'm Jason Harwood, and we are going to go through, a rite of passage as a Lions fan today. We're going to talk about the top 10 most devastating Lions losses.

You think it's a rite of passage, Jacob? 

Jacob Litton: yes, for sure. I mean, any Lions [00:01:00] fan, as soon as they see the title 10 devastating losses, they're going to be able to think of at least three or four right off the top of their head. 

They just stick with you. 

Jason Harwood: yeah, they do. Especially when we get towards the top of this list, those will be the games that we're still thinking about what if, or how'd this happen, but I can tell you that, , the last season, made it so we can make this list and it doesn't hurt.

Maybe as much, I guess. I don't know. We have some redemption this year.

Jacob Litton: know about that guys. This was Jason's idea. He wanted to do this. I wasn't sure he made me relive each and every one of these painful moments of my life. 

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I did. 

Jacob Litton: And now I have to talk about it. So, you 


Jason Harwood: I sat with a pitchfork above you and said we're doing this and you said no And I said yes, you are doing this and you finally came up with the list and we're here. Wasn't the most fun list to come up with but It is something that, as a Lions fan, you've lived through this and so it's okay to talk about it and it's okay because, this [00:02:00] year,

We had some redemption, like I said.

So that's good.

Jacob Litton: for sure. But 

everyone's going to be able to relate to this. So 

Gonna bring back terrible memories for everybody 

Jason Harwood: yeah. So the way Jacob and I came up with this list is that we, Each independently listed our top 10 games . Then we compared our list, seven of those match. So that's the top seven. Cause we figured those would have to be the seven most important.

And then we went through the remaining six and we whittled it down that's eight, nine, and 10 on our list. We only included games, that we were fans, during the time. So nothing from the eighties or seventies or before, because we weren't fans at those times. So we, don't have any emotional connection with those games.

So these will be games that, Jacob and I were diehard lions fans. They were like a dagger each one of these for us. If you're wondering why a certain game might not be on this list, , it's either it's before our time or, it just was a game that didn't resonate with us as much.

Everybody's top 10 list, I [00:03:00] think, in this could be different. I think it definitely would include a lot of the same games, but,


know, they could, they could be different. Real quick just want to add that we uh, you know, we are on YouTube now as well

Jacob Litton: as Twitter. We have Facebook So any other devastating losses that you guys,

you know If we don't mention and you want to bring up definitely comment on there. Let us know

Jason Harwood: Yep. That would be fun. And we also have on Reddit, we, I made a talking grit podcast, subreddit. Just a kind of a feedback form just so we can hear directly from you. There's, been a few of you that's reached out to me through Reddit and we've, had some discussions.

I really enjoyed that. I think it's for the betterment of the show, that we reach out and talk to you and create this community, so I'm really happy about that. Speaking of this community. The downloads, for the podcast had been, exceeding Jacob and I's expectations. Um, we're very happy with how everything's going.

This is moving faster than what we thought. But I would ask if you're been a fan of the show and [00:04:00] you know, another Lions fan, reach out and talk to them and say, Hey, there's a really good podcast I'm listening to. That would really help, help grow this community.

I think the more people in this community would. Better conversations we can have and more things that we were able to accomplish. I appreciate everybody downloading and listening it means you're probably enjoying it.

Um, so I'm really happy with all that. So is there anything you want to add to that, Jacob?

Jacob Litton: No, I just appreciate their ability to put up with you the same way that I do. 

Jason Harwood: Well, they clearly, log in to hear you

berate me. So, you know, something's going on there, you know, 

Jacob Litton: Mission accomplished. They don't have to look at 

Jason Harwood: I know. Yeah, you know what? I don't have to look at you for the next week because now I'm on vacation. You were on vacation for two weeks, and now you got me off for a week. So, I know, I know.

It's probably our bosses like, I'm tired of hearing all you guys talk about is the podcast and lions and all that and the 

Jacob Litton: to get us apart. 

Jason Harwood: Alright, I think we got through all the housekeeping stuff.

Let's move right into our list. We're going to flip back and forth, each of us [00:05:00] is going to introduce a game. We'll talk about it, add some notes, and then, go from there. , I'm going to start with the number 10 game. This one Jacob probably really won't have too much to say about just because it's before, his Lions, fandom started.

Mine is, 1993 wildcard loss for Detroit vs. Green Bay. It happened January 8th, 1994. Brett Favre throws, uh, past the Sterling Sharp. Jacob, he was winning. Wide open in the endzone, 55 seconds left, the Lions had led most of that game, he's just wide open, it was like Cam Sutton was out there guarding, it was, he was just wide, wide open, and just, dreams were dashed.

The Lions had like dominated that game. They out gained them 4, 410 to 293 yards. They had just beat Green Bay the week before

to win the division. So this was the last time they won the division before this, you know, this past season. And, uh, so they had beat Green Bay. They got to face Green Bay again.

And then. [00:06:00] Brett Favre doing what Brett Favre does, slings Barry Sanders had been out for a while. He'd been out since Thanksgiving, he ran 27 rushes for 169, uh, which is the Lions record. And then Brett Perriman had 10 catches for 150 yards. But it's just, uh, the image in my head of, of Sharp 

Jacob Litton: by himself,

Jason Harwood: Yeah, when the camera scans over, and you just see the receiver by itself, and, the defender's not even in the screen, you know, something happened, so, it was a devastating loss for me, I was, , A younger fan at that time, it got me used to what, what being Alliance fan is all about

just devastating losses.

Jacob Litton: Nice. I think I was probably, uh, watching Rugrats that day. 

Jason Harwood: yeah, you, might've been, you probably, practicing for the podcast. I'm sure you're berating, a sibling or, something. So, all right. That was number 10. What you got, Jacob?

Jacob Litton: Alright, I'm taking over for number 9. I have the Seahawks beating us. This was [00:07:00] back in 2015. This game was most memorable for the Calvin Johnson fumble that was batted out of the end zone. This one, early on in the season. It was week four. We were 0-3 coming into the game.

It wasn't like there was really high expectations, but this was a Monday night football game, national audience, big time. We're finally on a national stage and really it, it was just a bad game for us. I don't think we, we didn't really give up too many yards or touchdowns. Anyway, we score an offensive touchdown the whole game. And the closest we got was right there in the fourth quarter. We're driving at the end of the game. Stafford hits Megatron. He's fighting to get to the end zone. They punch the ball out at the one. And then this is where the controversy happens. It's the linebacker for the Seahawks. KJ Wright just sees the ball in front of him, just bats it out the back of the end zone. now by rule, because he batted the ball out, we should have gotten the ball back at the one yard line. we would have had [00:08:00] timeouts. It would have been first and goal for the one. We had timeouts. We had time. You hope that we would have scored. Who's to say whether we would have got it done, but instead the refs say, it was incidental, that he didn't do it on purpose, so they ruled it a touchback, and then, like I said, we had timeouts, we still just couldn't stop them, and then we lose.

Jason Harwood: It was a Monday night, so it was a late night one, I had fell asleep before that happened, and then, 

Jacob Litton: nobody listening right now. 

Jason Harwood: The fact that the Lions were 0 3 going into that game, they did not move the ball at all, until the last bit right there it's the first time on this list that the refs screwed us.

Uh, I have a feeling we're going to be talking about the refs again.

Jacob Litton: Yeah, there's a theme here.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, unfortunately. 

Jacob Litton: This one too though was painful,


they talk afterward and the refs are like, it was

incidental contact, we didn't really see any kind of illegal bat. Well then, I don't remember if it was Associated Press or whoever posted the picture, but there's a picture of the ref standing on the goal line, just like direct eye contact to KJ Wright in the ball, when he just bats it out [00:09:00] the back. And it's one of those things where it's like, the ref probably didn't know the rule, we just got screwed. And they said afterward, like, oh, it was the wrong call, Lyon should've got the ball back. Means nothing to us after the game's done and over with. 

Yeah, you got it wrong, but, you know, thanks for acknowledging it, but,

Jason Harwood: Yeah, the theme of the refs, learning something in the game is, uh, yeah, that's always fun. The, I'm sorry we were wrong, doesn't really make you feel any better. And, you know, obviously, this game is like nine years later and we're still talking about it, so, 

Jacob Litton: Yes. 

Jason Harwood: we don't feel better about it. Number eight, uh, we're gonna talk the Detroit versus, uh, Green Bay.

Okay. Again, apparently that's the only games I'm going to introduce here, , it's known as the Matt Flynn game, that was a game that, the Packers their season was already set. They were in the playoffs. They were 14 1 coming into that game.

They decided to, start Matt Flynn. The Lions, could increase their playoff, [00:10:00] positioning, uh, But, you know, they go ahead and let Matt Flynn throw for 480 yards and six touchdowns. And, it's not like the Lions didn't have a great game either. Uh, Stafford had 520 yards and five TDs. Um, it's just, it's just a terrible, terrible game.

But not for Matt Flynn. Cause he went on to sign next year for the three years, 20. 5 million from Seattle. So he made a lot of money on that game. A lot of money. 

Jacob Litton: him. 

Jason Harwood: It did, yeah, and he's probably living a very comfortable life because of that game right there. Meaning this game for the Packers, but, you know, obviously not for him.

But, yeah, it was just another one of those things that, oh, it looks like on paper, like, oh, Lions should, win this. We could end our, long losing streak in Lambeau Field. It could give us good vibes to go in the playoffs, but no, it was at the time, it was an SOL Lions moment, and, they couldn't get over the hump, 

Jacob Litton: Just getting

torched by the backup, it does not get worse than that.

Jason Harwood: no, [00:11:00] I mean,

Jacob Litton: you up, and like

you said, you know, it made him, then he signs a big contract,

and he's exactly who they thought he was, which is not a great quarterback, he had a 

Jason Harwood: right, 

Jacob Litton: us, and that was it.

Jason Harwood: Would you rather have Rodgers torch you? I 

Jacob Litton: Well, I don't want to be torched at all, but I

Jason Harwood: Uh, exactly.

Jacob Litton: torched, I'd rather it be him.

Jason Harwood: I guess. 

Jacob Litton: well, you know, it was

Aaron Rodgers. 

Jason Harwood: I know. I know. That stat line, like, unbelievable. So,


Let's move off that game. You can give us number 7.

Jacob Litton: Number seven, I have the, Lions versus Falcons. This was in 2017. So this was the game where we thought we won and it was taken away from us right there at the end. Uh, sort of, uh, deal to do with the refs. This was early in the season. This is week three. had made the playoffs the year before this was one of those seasons where, you know, before recent. Anyway, this was what optimism looked like being a Lions fan. [00:12:00] So we felt pretty good about the team. We had made the playoffs. We're hoping we're going to take the next step. We started the season off two and Oh, it wasn't a great game for us up to that point, but we did, the defense was playing well, picked off Matt Ryan several times, the big part of this is the drive that happens there at the end. Which we actually had a couple things happen even get us down the field. So Stafford actually chucked two deep balls. One of them got intercepted and they called defensive holding. So we got another chance. He chucks another one deep and they called pass interference in the end zone. We get the ball at the one yard line. We still can't get that one yard until it's third and goal We run a pick play to Golden Tate catches it looks like he falls forward in the end zone refs call it a touchdown This is that Ford field. So everybody's celebrating, you know, everybody's happy all scoring plays are reviewed look at it and say actually Defensive back touched him before the goal line He's not in the end zone and there was eight seconds left on the [00:13:00] clock NFL rules say there's a 10 second runoff The game is over So you went within, you know, probably three, four minutes of real time.

We thought we scored the game winning touchdown. They took the touchdown off the board, and we don't even get another chance.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, that was the kicker. The 10 second runoff. You're like, Alright, we didn't get the touchdown, but we got, , 4th down. We can do, we can do this. And then they

Jacob Litton: Right. 

Jason Harwood: the announcement. 

Jacob Litton: chance. 

Jason Harwood: Yep.

Jacob Litton: like, by the way, there's a runoff, so it's over. 

Jason Harwood: I was in the car. car, , listen to this one on the radio. So I heard Dan Miller calling it and you get ultimate excitement, golden state touchdown. As we're driving. You can hear Dan Miller's voice change. He's like, Oh, it's going to review. Oh, what's going on here?

They're talking for a long time and then you know the devastation of you know The 10 second runoff and just you know, you you had said it right both teams were 2 0 We had made the playoffs the year before the Falcons were a very good team and we were just looking like hey we would have been [00:14:00] 3 0 would have had good vibes going in, you know it 

but I could tell you another reason why this is like a huge, really devastating loss. So for the Lions finished 9 7. They don't make the playoffs this season at the end. The Falcons do, uh, on a tiebreaker. So, because of this game, if it had been called the other way, or we'd had another shot, or whatever, we could have, you know, maybe flipped that, had we beat them.

This is what caused, Quinn to fire Caldwell, because we're not meeting our standards, and we bring in Matt Patricia. So, not only did all that happen in Usherden, the Matt Patricia, uh, era, and so, to me, that's like, maybe this deserved to be a little bit higher, just because of that.

But, uh, 

Jacob Litton: effect afterward. 

Jason Harwood: it's one of those things as a Lions fan. Do you remember where you were when you watched, were watching this game?

Jacob Litton: No, this was just one that I was at home, standing

in front of the TV, in disbelief.

Jason Harwood: Yeah. 

Jacob Litton: The highest of the highs, and then the lowest of the

lows. , 

Jason Harwood: All right, let's move on to [00:15:00] number six and that's me.

So this one is Ravens beat the lions on September 27th, 2021. Justin Tucker kicks the NFL record 66 yard field goal for the win. What else can we say? It would have been Dan Campbell's first win. Other than it hitting the crossbar. I mean, that was the other, that's the thing.

It's like, not only did

he make it, but he like hit the crossbar and it like bounced up in the air and then goes over. So it's like, 

Jacob Litton: to. 

Jason Harwood: yeah, it's like. Let's let's just make the dagger go in even slower like here I'm gonna he's gonna kick this kick and then it's gonna bounce up and you think you're still gonna win because it's gonna bounce out Hit the bottom of the crossbar, right?

It can't bar hit that and bounce over now It does and it goes over and What makes this even worse is that you know on that drive They get sacked twice, they throw in a complete pass, and it's 4th and 19.

So the game should have been over. 4th and 19, right? [00:16:00] No. 36 yard pass to Sammy Watkins. Then there's like the missed delayed game penalty because they hiked it late. On the lion's side of the field, Justin Tucker lines up and makes

this field goal. Uh,

Jacob Litton: Just insanity. Only against us, man. 

Jason Harwood: Now the guy that's hit the second longest field goal at, Ford field is now on our team. So maybe,

maybe Bates can just, he can kick at 67 

Jacob Litton: Yeah, break the record that we 

can forget about this. 

This one really hurt. This was another one that was early in the season But like you said, it would have been Dan Kimball's first win we lost, we had to go through You Several more losses until week 13 before we finally pulled one out That was we were up 16 to 7 entering the fourth quarter we had it it was a pretty good game for us 

Jason Harwood: I was Think with my family at a park when I was watching this on a phone, you know

being a good dad everyone else is having fun at a park and I'm watching the [00:17:00] Lions game at the end and 

Jacob Litton: They don't 

Jason Harwood: I'm watching it I'm like, they're like what happened?

I'm like,

don't even don't even ask me, you know 

Jacob Litton: Take it out on the kids and 

Jason Harwood: Yeah 

Jacob Litton: even talk to me. 

Jason Harwood: Don't talk to dad Oh man, yeah, keep the small animals away from dad, I'm done talking about this one.

Jacob Litton: Yeah, right. Well, it only gets worse. So Here we

Jason Harwood: That's right. 

Jacob Litton: five and this would be the Lions versus Bears

in 2010 Which is most famous for Calvin Johnson's touchdown catch that wasn't this was when they started the whole Completing the process rule that we got to be the lucky ones and you don't have to feel the wrath of that first This one was week one beginning of the season and You know any season at the beginning of the season you are cautiously optimistic as a lions fan Just cuz you're hoping for the best. You're not 

really, you know now you're expecting more but back then you weren't expecting anything You were just [00:18:00] hoping for it

Jason Harwood: any team is, I think that's not just for the Lions. I think any team, you're like, hey, we, you know, this could be our year. And so, yeah, this being a week one game,

Jacob Litton: We went oh and 16 then 2 and 14 and then here we are week 1 and then Stafford goes down in the first 

game So yeah, weren't really feeling good at that point, we're

still in the game late We get the ball chucked up to Calvin Johnson, beautiful catch, highlight reel catch, balls in both hands.

He moves it over to one hand as he's falling down on the ground in the end zone. know, he's got both feet down, his knee, probably his butt, he's on the ground. The ball's in one hand, he brings the ball down, the ball hits the ground, it kind of bounces loose. He gets up and is celebrating and they talk about it for a minute and wave it off and say no touchdown. And then that's when they get this review going they're like well the receiver didn't complete the process of the catch so therefore it's incomplete. And then nobody knows what that means.

Jason Harwood: Beyond this being a devastating loss for the Lions is [00:19:00] it started the whole process of the catch for the whole NFL and people got to learn about that and then every catch was scrutinized for the next, decade 

Jacob Litton: Right. 

Jason Harwood: Whether it's a catch or that's a fumble or you know, no one knew what a catch was,

Jacob Litton: I think this and the Dez Bryant are the two when you think of the whole process of the catch thing those two plays are what sticks with everybody. 

Jason Harwood: Cowboys fans will definitely say they have, , their fair share of rough calls against them. We'll beg to differ as we get up on this list, I think what you're saying is right. This was a week one game.

We're in Chicago, you get a division road win to start off the season. And that. That's going to make you feel good and, you know, just start your season off right now. It just feels like a double dagger. Not only did we not win, but you know, we should have won.

And it's just one of those things as a Lions fan, it just, it does really hurt. Just watching that play over and over again, you cannot tell me that Calvin didn't catch that ball when the ball come out, he was already celebrating. 

Jacob Litton: Right. he's,

got the [00:20:00] ball he's,

in the end zone. I mean he you know at that point what do you mean? 

Jason Harwood: I know it's like he, yeah, like he said, his butt, his knee, his other hands on the ground, setting himself, he was, it was a complete catch at that point. And then he just was like so excited. So he is going to celebrate with his teammates 

It wasn't like he dropped the ball.

He was just,

the play was over and he was going to celebrate and

Jacob Litton: his hand by the defender or anything like that. It wasn't 

Jason Harwood: no, 

Jacob Litton: catch that you couldn't tell if he came down with. Like, no, this 

Jason Harwood: No, he, right. And it's Calvin Johnson, one of the best wide receivers the game's ever seen. He had that ball. No, it's terrible. You know, Bears had like four turnovers in that game, too. We should have just, should have won that game.

And Sean Hill, was the backup that came in because Stafford got hurt. Pretty good backup, it's one of the better ones Alliance have had, 

Jacob Litton: I mean, he, actually did a great job. It's just most of our losses, like, throughout that season were by, you know, one score. 

6 points, [00:21:00] 8 points. Overtime loss.

Two points, like we just could not get it done.

Jason Harwood: That's one thing that Dan Campbell's figured out is, this is how you win a game. And those close games, I'm still nervous just cause it's football and anything can happen, but I feel a lot more confident. late in a game that Dan Campbell's going to get these guys in a position to win and they're going to feel like they deserve to win as opposed to during this time period.

Number four is Cowboys and Lions, but which game? Uh, we're going with the most recent one, the one where Decker reported. Brad Allen made a terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible call. Fact that the NFL stood by him in that game and said, Oh, you know, the Lions didn't.

Report properly when all replays clearly show Decker rubbing his chest, Dan Skipper, nowhere near at the time when Decker did that, and then him just reporting, you know, telling the Cowboys, Oh, uh, Dan Skipper is eligible. And then the lions [00:22:00] line up, would have been a legal formation because of the way they lined up had, Dan Skipper been reported eligible.

Just, uh, that was just a devastating game. 

Jacob Litton: terrible. 

Jason Harwood: Had we not just won the division the week before, it could have been, it could have been even worse. Not to get in the Iffy and Barnes conversation, but say they don't get that interception and then the Lions lose this game again, just would have been heading into the possible playoffs with those two losses.

Who knows what the Vikings would have done, you know, the following week, I'm just so glad that we won that game before,

Jacob Litton: right. I mean, it just, like we talked about earlier, sometimes when the refs are like, sorry, our bad. We made a mistake. That means nothing to me. Well, then you can have the opposite effect where you kind of know, like, okay, he's probably going to come out and say that, sorry, I made a mistake. No, he's going to say, you know, we said that it was Skipper that reported and that he did everything correct. And, you know, the lions, we did it wrong. Well, then you get the video footage and you can see Decker and Penesula out there. You see Decker [00:23:00] reporting to him. Skipper doesn't talk to him. They line up in the formation where, you know, skipper can't run a route anyway. They screwed it up. And I think a lot of the NFL, a lot of other teams realized they screwed it up. And the repercussions for that, for that ref crew is that half of them did not end up working the playoffs. 

Jason Harwood: Which is good. That, that should have happened. I 

Jacob Litton: Right. 

Jason Harwood: The Lions have been setting up that play for, like, a few weeks with Dan Skipper constantly reporting eligible. This, that was set up beyond, you know, just this game, and the thing is that, like, they set it up so well that, you know, Brad Allen just assumed Dan Skipper is reporting eligible because He was coming on the field,

but I mean, Decker standing right next to her rubbing his chest because they don't want to make it obvious for the Cowboys to figure it out.

And the thing is that like, even after the game, the Lions said we had this talk with the referees before the game saying, Hey, we're going to try this play. They made the refs aware that, this was even a possibility [00:24:00] before, before the game, which makes us even more egregious that. You know, oh, this totally forgot that, you know, lions had said that we're going to run this play.


Jacob Litton: seems like we took all the necessary steps to prevent something like this from happening. So

Jason Harwood: yep.

Jacob Litton: happened anyway is just terrible. 

Jason Harwood: Yes. 

Jacob Litton: after we scored,

cause we, you know, we get the ball, we're driving, you assume

we're driving to try to tie the game and go into overtime. As soon as Amon Ra dies in the end zone, practically, we're ready for another play. The plan the entire time was to do this two point and to run this play that we had designed. And And it, it worked. It worked. We won the game. You know, they're all celebrating. They're practically back on the sideline before it even cuts to the refs talking about it and throwing the flag.

Jason Harwood: Yeah. This was one of those things, just as we go back to the Falcons game where you're, you're like, you're already celebrating games, you know, 

Jacob Litton: Right. 

Jason Harwood: We hadn't necessarily won at that point because the Cowboys they're still going to get the ball back. [00:25:00] You're celebrating that.

Hey, we had taken that lead. We got a real good shot and you know, at that time we're, 

Jacob Litton: seconds or something left, 

Jason Harwood: yeah. I mean, they're kickers, Cowboys kickers, pretty good. So, you know, they had timeouts too. So they had a shot. 

Jacob Litton: game. 

Jason Harwood: Yeah. Um, and I think another thing that makes this game hurt even worse is that

it shouldn't even got to that point, Barnes should have sacked Dak and 

Jacob Litton: Yes, 

Jason Harwood: got the safety 

Jacob Litton: too. 

Jason Harwood: and, CD lamb runs wide open and at the minimum nine points swing, cause we're supposed to get two points for the safety.

They get seven, but then we also would have got the ball back instead of that touchdown. It could possibly been even bigger swing cause we would have got another offensive possession out of it. 

Jacob Litton: Right. Yeah, that 

one, third and thirteen. They're deep in their own territory. Great call by Glenn. Barnes splits up the middle untouched. then Dak only kind of just minorly even steps up because he didn't have much room. It just looked like Barnes whiffed on it. Dak kind of tucks for a second like he thinks he's about to be safetied, and then he sprints out [00:26:00] to the right. His only option is to chuck it deep to CeeDee Lim, and then Vildora kind of falls down, and then, I know you mentioned earlier too, it's one of those things where CeeDee Lim's the only one on the TV screen. And he's 

Jason Harwood: yeah. Oh 

Jacob Litton: getting ready to celebrate 20 yards away from the end zone.

Jason Harwood: The Barnes miss safety to me is like almost one of those plays where Barnes is going in and, it seems like he's very intentional about where he's hitting Dax. So he doesn't get a penalty. And I think when you start playing like that and you're not playing like just out of your head, then I think those plays happen.

I think this happens just because, you don't want to do anything stupid and, hit the quarterback in the head or, hit them too low. , you got to be careful if you hit the quarterback any certain way, they're going to call a penalty.

So watching that back, that's the only way I could feel like that's what Barnes was doing.

Jacob Litton: thinking. Right. 

Jason Harwood: I don't know. I mean,

Jacob Litton: like Dak put too much of a move on him or anything like that. He kind of just stepped up and we ran right by him.

Jason Harwood: I don't really don't know what happened. At least Barnes got his redemption, you know, 

Jacob Litton: [00:27:00] Right, 

Jason Harwood: weeks later and with, uh, against Baker 

Jacob Litton: Live with that 

forever. The implications afterward for this though, let's say we hit that two point and we win this game. And then, going into that last week, then the 49ers can't rest their players because then they still are potentially trying to fight for that one seed. So who knows if that would have made a difference? Obviously we'd still, you know, have to play that game, beat the Vikings like we did, but we could have been seeded differently. You know, maybe we would, uh, we were the two seed, maybe play the Packers again. I don't know that I liked that matchup, but,

Jason Harwood: We might not have had the whole Stafford rematch, that might have been out of the window, we might have played someone totally different, say we don't, don't play Stafford in the playoffs last year, this whole week one matchup this year would be, crazy because it'd be his first time coming back, , but I think you're exactly right the Lions would definitely had a shot at the number two seed, at the very least San Francisco would have had to go in And play their players and you know, and they wouldn't have been able to rest them whether you know I [00:28:00] don't know if that's You know, had overall implications on the playoffs as a whole, but

at the very least you want to make a hard road on your opponents as opposed to an easier


Jacob Litton: They got a longer rest. I

just want to point out that you said that I was exactly right. So, 

just want everyone to know that you said 

that. You can mark that down. 

Jason Harwood: I'm glad I could make you feel good because want to thank everyone for voting, uh, you know, on the poll about Barnes versus Iffey because Jason was able to see that. he was wrong. appreciate that. Validation? you like, objective data. Yeah, that's not even a subjective. It's objective data.

Even though it was probably all your family,

all your kids voted, even, you know,

Jacob Litton: You 

Jason Harwood: the baby even voted.

Jacob Litton: Twitter accounts so that I could add all those fake votes so that you could be wrong. 

Jason Harwood: This all makes sense to me now, so that's fine.

Jacob Litton: Real quick. I just want to point out that

after that game, this kept me up for hours. And I mean,

hours, I'm looking at post game analysis. I'm looking at Twitter. I'm on like every single [00:29:00] channel, like, you know, everything I can do sports center. I'm getting everyone's opinions. I'm looking at it. It just didn't make sense to me.

And I just was in disbelief that it happened. 

Jason Harwood: Yeah. 

Jacob Litton: not even go to sleep. I'm refreshing the feed. I'm looking for Twitter. I'm waiting to see what the players are

saying. Cause we tried for the two, we actually had another try after that, they backed us up, we got another turn.

Instead of taking the one, we still went for two. got an offside, so then we get another chance even closer and we still go for two. Everyone's kind of crapping on us like, well, you should have just taken the point. It's like, that doesn't matter. We had it. 

Jason Harwood: Yeah. 

Jacob Litton: It was taken from us.

Jason Harwood: What you just said made me think of something else. This was like my boy's first time, uh, experiences firsthand. The lions losing, in this fashion. It sucked, totally, when you're in a dad in that situation, I was just like, okay, you know, I can't be swearing at the TV right now.

I can't be doing what I would have done, in the past. So I'm just sitting there trying to be [00:30:00] like,

I don't know how I'm trying to be not me, I guess. And, and then, yeah, trying to maintain my cool to show, you know, the boys what it looks like. But it was so hard in that moment. But it was also hard for me as a dad to see the boys go through this, the devastation of, Hey, we won.

No, we didn't win. They're, they're taking it away with this ridiculous, uh, you know, call. 

Jacob Litton: from when you were young and it happening to you then. 

Jason Harwood: yeah, , hopefully for them, my boys are going through, uh, some really good years. So,

Jacob Litton: Yeah. 

Jason Harwood: you know, hopefully they're not gonna have to experience, like, because it, 

Jacob Litton: Hopefully there's 

Jason Harwood: not only, like, are these, these, uh, Devastating losses.

They just, they bunch up. They keep adding on top of each other and then with no success, in the middle. It's not like we could hang our hat on anything up until like last year. You know, we haven't won the division in 30 years, haven't won a playoff game in 30 years. So there's like,

at no point is there like, okay, well, at least we had this season.

We did really good. It's, [00:31:00] it was just kept being bad stuff on top of bad stuff.

Jacob Litton: Right. 

Jason Harwood: You're on the odds, so you're up number three.

Jacob Litton: Okay, well, you know, this loss was Just a little more painful than the other one.

It only happened about a month afterward. this is going to be the NFC championship game. Lost the 49ers last year. It still hurts. I'm trying to get my notes and everything ready so that we can talk about on the podcast. It stings just as bad as that day. Obviously the best season that we've had in so long, we've got so much momentum. We have the confidence ? People are saying you can't hang with the 49ers. We know that we're ready. We're thinking Superbowl. There's a real, real legitimate chance of a Superbowl here. And, even when the game starts the first drive, JMO takes that ball, 42 yard touchdown run, just electric, everybody's excited.

You know, they ended up missing a field goal. We drive it right back down their face. Again, demo runs a ball in. [00:32:00] We're up 14 0 at the end of the first quarter. We're showing everybody we belong. We're showing everybody that we're, , for real. Just controlled the first half completely. All us.

Everything was going right. Rodrigo had that pick. Gibbs scored the touchdown. But for everything that went right in the first half, the second half starts and it's the exact opposite. Everything goes wrong. Uh, drops that fourth down pass. Gibbs fumbles on that first play of the drive. We keep going. I think we had two, three and outs. Maybe you got the deep ball that, uh, Vildore bounces off his face mask and IU catches. Just everything was going wrong and just, you know, we're in disbelief there. It just 

Jason Harwood: Yeah. 

Jacob Litton: pain, you know, to, we're ready to book Super Bowl tickets at halftime here, and then it just gets ripped away.

Jason Harwood: As a Lions fan, I knew not to book the Super Bowl tickets that early, but I was cautiously optimistic at that point, you know, being up 24 seven at halftime. But [00:33:00] all season the Lions struggled in the third quarter. It was just the Achilles heel of this team. 

The second half of the season we had gotten better than the first half, but we just The third quarter was just something we struggled with all, all year. Just, you know, put the foot down on the throat and just knock this team out. We were up 24 to 7. That's all it takes is that score.

And you're right, Vildor dropping that, easy interception. I, I, I say easy, but it should, he should have intercepted. That was like right in his hands. Um, you know, he's falling backwards.

Jacob Litton: Yeah. There's contact. And I mean, I know they actually, they threw a flag, so I don't know if they were

Jason Harwood: Yeah, 

Jacob Litton: on us or call that on IUK, they picked it up because of the catch anyway, though,


Jason Harwood: We had the argument about the Barnes and Iffey interception. Someone on Reddit on one of our posts in his mind Vildor makes this interception and then that is the most iconic one. So that would have been the third, you know, 

Jacob Litton: yeah, 

Jason Harwood: I don't think there have been any argument [00:34:00] had we made, had he made that interception and we'd have, 

Jacob Litton: that'd have been huge. I mean, that was still in the third quarter, but still. 

Jason Harwood: Right, but being up 24 7, we'd take it out and then we would've just ran the ball down their throats and then just taken it. Uh, 

Jacob Litton: to them. 

Jason Harwood: right. You know, and, and after the Vildor, not only does not intercepting it, it bounces right into Iuke's hands, gets like a 50 yard catch, and then they, you know, they score.

Not only did he not get the interception, it's like they get a 54 or whatever, 51 yard gain on it. Then they score a touchdown, okay, we're still up, and then Gibbs fumbles it, and here it goes. 

Jacob Litton: that was, the first play of the drive. That was a 

huge momentum swing. 

Jason Harwood: right. , it was just like bang bang and then all of a sudden you could just see it start to slip away we were in the driver's seat and we mentioned the whole Josh Reynolds, you know going for it on fourth down The first time that was a good pass from Jared Goff, and Josh Reynolds just drops it.[00:35:00] 

The second fourth down we didn't do very good but then also Josh Reynolds had like that drop on the third down it was a crossing route, and he was wide open. And, you know, he would have caught it. Got a pretty 

Jacob Litton: Those 

Jason Harwood: yard game, I think that was a three and out then we just, you know, we're giving them the ball right back.

I know a lot of people after that game talked about Campbell going for it and fourth down Sidekick in the field goals. I agree with those decisions that's what got the Lions there those Dan Campbell decisions throughout the whole season So why do different there?

Those kicks were not automatic. I mean Badgley's You know, he's a decent kicker, but those aren't automatic kicks at that point. Going back to those kick two fugles, you know,

score stayed the same. You know, we won that or at least we go into overtime and have a shot.


Jacob Litton: Right. 

Jason Harwood: know, I, I stand by it. The only Campbell decision I didn't like is in that fourth quarter when we run it and we get stopped at the goal line and then we basically lose the timeout. So that when 49ers got the ball back, we didn't have enough timeouts [00:36:00] to stop the clock,

Jacob Litton: Right. 

Jason Harwood: to get the ball back one more time, but,

yeah, rough.

Jacob Litton: that chance to stop them too late in the game, when Purdy, I think it was

third down, and maybe third and fifteen or something like that. Purdy runs for like twenty yards. 

Jason Harwood: Yeah, 

Jacob Litton: was just a dagger. 

I mean, we scored again afterward,

but still, the clock's running and everything, and it just, you

know, can 

see it slipping away. 

Jason Harwood: well, it's a momentum shifter too, anytime you could stop a team, especially when a team gets, a very long yardage and the quarterback runs on you, especially Brock Purdy, it's not like Lamar Jackson where you're just expecting it, you know, it's Brock Purdy and, he shouldn't be running on you like that, so it was, 

Jacob Litton: Not at 

Jason Harwood: Before this game, had you told me the Lions lose 34 31, I would have been like, okay, we hung with them, we showed that we belong, But it's the fact that we were up so big at halftime is what makes, for me, what makes it be on this, this list.

Jacob Litton: that's 

Jason Harwood: Um, the, what makes it painful, I mean, you're so close to [00:37:00] the Super Bowl. Depending on how we do in the future here, say we get to the Super Bowl this year, this might drop down on, on my list of devastating losses. It may not hurt as much. And the future, just because we get to the super bowl.

What, this is the closest, probably everybody that's listening to this podcast, um, you know, the closest they've ever seen them get to a championship game. I got to imagine that people that, you know, no one's that was around for the 57 games listening to this podcast. So for all of us that are listening, this was the closest that we'd ever got to being in a championship game.

Yeah, it hurts, you're right. Now, when I forced you to do this list, you know, with my pitchfork like we talked yesterday, this was the hardest one for me to still relive.

Jacob Litton: Yeah, and I gotta watch highlights and stuff of it, like, ugh, my god. 

Jason Harwood: Heh, low lights, man, low lights.

Jacob Litton: Man, that would've been cool. we had won that game, cause you know, Lions, Chiefs, we started off the season with that matchup and then we would have played in the Super Bowl when the first game and last game same matchup, 

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I [00:38:00] think that would have been cool, a cool storyline, and just to see how the, that teams have done now, the way our secondary has been playing, I don't,

you know, I can't count on the, the Chiefs dropping so many passes,

Jacob Litton: Hey, we pressure my homes, though. 

Jason Harwood: yeah, I know, I know,

Jacob Litton: didn't play a fantastic game. I think we based on how the Super Bowl was going. I think we could have beat them

Jason Harwood: alright. Are you done? We done reliving this, uh, monstrosity of a game? 

Jacob Litton: over with. 

Jason Harwood: Alright, well, it's not getting any better. Uh, 

Jacob Litton: one. Put me 

Jason Harwood: number, number two. Hey, have you heard about the Packers on our list?

Because they're on it again. It's the Packers and the Lions. This is it. This is the Aaron Rodgers Hail Mary. After the stupid Phantom Facemask game, Packers beat the Lions 27 23. This is at Ford Field, you know, Lions had led by 20 in that game, 20. And, you know, Packers get one last ditch drive at the end of the game.[00:39:00] 

Devin Taylor's called for a Phantom Facemask for basically just rubbing his hand across, Aaron Rodgers chest.

And Aaron Rodgers, like,

I don't know. He moves his head like he, 

Jacob Litton: He 

flung his neck around on 

purpose to try to sell that. Then he throws his arms up afterward. Like, did you see what this guy just did to me? 

Jason Harwood: Yeah, it's like I, I was assaulted, the Packers would have been down on, on their own 24 and said, it's moved up to the 39 and, uh, you know, the Lions still line up like they were going to do like a lateral play.

And then they just fling it deep and basically Richard Rodgers comes in late, you know, boxes everybody out and just catches it. And the stupid image of Aaron Rodgers running down the field with his helmet off screaming.

Jacob Litton: I know. And I just had to 

Jason Harwood: Ugh,

Jacob Litton: it again

Jason Harwood: I know.

Jacob Litton: this. 

Jason Harwood: Yeah, exactly. 

Jacob Litton: They 

call it the miracle in Motown. It's like, I'm not 

calling it that. That was bull crap, 

Jason Harwood: it's not a miracle when the Russ makes stupid calls against the [00:40:00] Lions.

That's just, that was just part of history.

Jacob Litton: right? We had already beat the Packers earlier in their year, we had a losing record at that point. We really needed to win to try to keep any sort of playoff hopes alive. And yeah, they're on their last ditch effort. We had already blown the lead, but this was it for them.

The play before that they throw and start trying to do the lateral thing. It ends up back in Roger's hands when he does that whole hitting the ground thing. So I think that's probably why the defense lined up. I think we had two or three people like in the middle of the field, but they almost were like protecting the boundaries too.

And it was 

Jason Harwood: Yeah, 

Jacob Litton: I don't know what, like why we lined up that way.

We made it easier on him. He chucks it deep. You know, there's, there were three lines defenders that were on three Packers receivers, but then you've got Richard Rogers by himself and he's at like the four yard line. He's basically a center fielder tracking this ball.

There's nobody else around him until he gets up and jumps like unbelievable. [00:41:00] was a Thursday night game. 

Jason Harwood: mm hmm. 

Jacob Litton: this whole game downstairs on my living room TV. I've

got to work the next day. So.

We punt it back to them with like, 30 seconds left. So when we punt it back, I shut my TV off and turn it on my phone and I go upstairs to go to bed, like, you know. Once we close this game out, I'm gonna go to sleep. then, my wife's asleep next to me and I'm just in disbelief, again. Looking at the phone, looking at the replays,

Jason Harwood: This is before, my boys were, old enough to enjoy a game. So I just, just like you, I'm living this just by myself in isolation, going, I cannot believe this happened again.

And, uh, and the fact that it was Aaron Rodgers really just sticks my craw. Everyone listens to this, know I, I despise that man.

For you, I think we were talking about this before, this is like the moment that he started to get on your list of like, I really hate this guy.

Jacob Litton: Him running down the field and them celebrating like that, I just like, oh my god. Can't stand him. Can't stand this team, like, uh, I hate the [00:42:00] Packers.

Jason Harwood: I hate everyone in our division, but the Packers have a special level of hate, which I will pass on to my boys. They already, you know, hate the Packers, so it's going to live on,

The thing is that, like, what makes this way up on the list for me is. Wasn't like the implications of like anything that happened in the season. It's the fact that it's played over

and over and over again,

Jacob Litton: Oh, it

Jason Harwood: you know,

Jacob Litton: the year, and it, you know, now every, every matchup we have with the Packers,

every primetime or anything, we've got to continuously see this highlight.

Jason Harwood: right 

and the highlights like let the phantom face mask part that that's went to the way side.

Jacob Litton: It's just the

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: They don't

Jason Harwood: Yeah.

Jacob Litton: about, you know. And Rogers is known for

flopping, kind of,

and making things look worse, trying to get roughing the passer penalties and stuff. 

Jason Harwood: This is why like those plays should be reviewable. Big plays on there. Fields should be reviewed. Like, was that a catch or, you know, inbounds [00:43:00] or touchdown that penalty cost Alliance a game had that not been called, they should be able to review stuff like that.

That it's clearly not face mask. He ran his hand across Jess. I don't see the argument of why that can't be reviewable. That's not. Subjective call it's clear that his he did not grab the face mask at any point if anything his thumb may touch the face mask as he's

Jacob Litton: with it but you 

can't, I mean, that's incidental and that's, 

I mean, are you going to change it to roughing the passer? No, he's a runner at that 

point. That doesn't even matter. 

Jason Harwood: The play is clearly caused because it's Aaron Rogers and he got the call, there's no reason why they shouldn't be reviewed. They cost the lines of that game and

you know,

it just is an easy call, but

all right.

Can you tell him worked up?

Jacob Litton: Still shouldn't have given up the hill, 

Jason Harwood: No, 

Jacob Litton: the point is that

play should have never happened. It should have, that

the game was over. it was over with. 

We just like, well, you know what? They didn't get it. Let's give them one more


Jason Harwood: Jim Nance is on [00:44:00] that call, Phil Simms, everybody loves Aaron Rodgers except for us,

except for us Lions fans. 

Jacob Litton: I'm going to need to 

borrow some of your blood pressure medication before this is over. 

Jason Harwood: nope, I am not on blood pressure medication, thank you very much, 

Jacob Litton: good job. 

Jason Harwood: You know, I'm hanging in there. 

Jacob Litton: in, or what'd they do? 

Jason Harwood: No pacemaker, I'm betting with you with more kids are gonna be on blood pressure medicine before me. I'm, I'm gonna bet that.

Jacob Litton: My kids are pretty chill, so I don't know. 

Jason Harwood: I don't know, I don't know. 

Jacob Litton: see how many more 

games I can add to this list, and,

then we'll, 


Jason Harwood: At one point in your life, you're going to have a teenage daughter 

Jacob Litton: That's a, that's a long ways away, Jason. 

Jason Harwood: Let's go talk on number one.

Jacob Litton: Here we go, we've reached the top of the list. 

You have to think about this when we think about devastating losses, so I don't think this comes as a surprise to anybody number one on the list is gonna be the Cowboys beating us in the playoffs With the pass interference that was called and then taken away This was just terrible, We, we had the lead late in the game. It was another [00:45:00] one, , I guess similar to what the 49ers game felt like, where you felt like we were playing well, there of hype about the Cowboys, we were hanging on with them, we held our own, we had the lead, everything was going. I believe it's third and short. We make a throw. Stafford throws a ball to Brennan Pettigrew. It's textbook pass interference. I mean, Hitchens is running after him. He can't catch up to him. He doesn't turn his head. His hands are all over him. He's preventing Pettigrew from getting to the ball. They throw the flag on the field. Classic pass interference. It looks like, yep, that's P. I. Good call. We're gonna move the ball. We're well on our way to winning this game. refs get together, start talking about it, pick up the flag. They just pick up the flag that wasn't passed interference. They, don't bother to really explain anything at the time.

There's like, no, it wasn't passed interference. That's fourth down. On top of that, something that makes it worse is that as they're discussing it with each [00:46:00] other, you have Dez Bryant from the Cowboys runs out onto the field. doesn't have a helmet on or anything. He just runs into the ref's huddle, basically pleading his case on why they should have picked up the flag. they just kind of pushed Dez back off to the sideline. And then, yep, it's not past interference. They should have thrown a flag on him for leaving the bench. if they were going to pick that up, we should have got a penalty there, too. It was another one. But this was obviously before the 49ers thing.

So this was. Felt like we were gonna finally get that playoff win. Felt like we had a decent team around. Before I get into the repercussions and afterward, let's just hear your thoughts on it. 

I'll let you talk for a minute 

so I can try to calm down.

Jason Harwood: time to reload my chamber, and yeah, you calm down, you 

Jacob Litton: my noose ready. 

Jason Harwood: Oh man, Anthony Hitchens is the one that, face guarded, and not only that, he held them before the past even come down to you could see replays with the jerseys just like fully pulled Matthew Stafford was miked up during the game.

So they tried to explain to Matthew Stafford during the [00:47:00] game that.

You know, there was no contact, which there clearly was. If face guarding in itself is not a penalty. He was clearly

touching him and he was just

totally oblivious to where the ball was.

It was,

Jacob Litton: to face guard, but he wasn't even close enough to get to him. So he's tugging on his jersey and he's just all over his hands and everything.

Jason Harwood: I don't know. So like, say that penalty happens, we get the first down and then. They still, still should have called the penalty on does Brian. That was, that would have been another 15 yard penalty on top of that. Cause that would have been a dead ball penalty beyond the fast interference.

So they could have called, it would have been a combination. They would have got a pass interference up to that spot. And then they would also got the 15 yards. So they would have been in field goal range at that point already. Um, instead of having a punt. Say they don't throw a flag there, then you're still mad because you're like, that is clearly pass interference.

But the fact that they picked up the flag, which never. Never happens. Especially in a big game like that. Of course it's in Dallas. The call went their way. And so that adds to [00:48:00] it even more, 

that was hard, you know, it's another thing the Lions were up pretty big early in this game, looked like they were on their way to getting their first playoff win, I remember being super excited, um, if I remember right Reggie Bush had a touchdown in this game, and it was going in Lions favor and then, again, stupid call like that and Looking back on it, it was hard for me to watch Stafford just talk on the sideline because, he wanted to tell the refs that, this crap keeps happening to us and you're gonna just let it happen because, but he didn't say that, but he's just like, this is unbelievable, and he kept saying,

Congratulations guys, first time in the NFL history.

I was just like, oh my god, so hard to listen to.

Alright, so go about your repercussions. Go on.

Jacob Litton: I'm still wallowing in it over here. yeah, after the game, it's one of those things where, finally the officials have to talk or the NFL talks and it's like, well, you know, the ref that threw the flag when they got together and talked about it said that it was a face guard. then they're like, well, face guard is not a penalty. Like we can't call it if it's [00:49:00] just a face guard, if there's not enough contact. Well, there's minimal contact. So that's why they decided to pick up the flag, which was wrong. Obviously the game's over. We lost, we're out seasons over. We don't care at that point.

What really stung, what really hurt is if you watch that interview when they had, Sue come out. After the game, they do that post game interview with Sue. And he was very emotional, which we're not used to seeing at all. He was very emotional. know? quote, I've got to hear. He said, we played very, very hard.

The defense put it all out there. The team put it all out there and I just didn't expect this outcome. It's sickening. that's the perfect way to put it. Felt like we did just about everything, right? We did everything that we could it just ripped away. And then, you know, this was, Sue's last game in Detroit.

He leaves in free agency. 

Jason Harwood: Say they win this game, does last season mean as much, I don't know, this would have been a road playoff game, we still would have had the first playoff game at Ford field, [00:50:00] say, you know, history, just nothing else changed except for the result of this game that we've won.

This was the game that I felt like someone just wrote the playoff victory from my hands from as a Lions fan.

I was like, we got it. I was so excited in the first half. And I think. The way that happened is why in the NFC Championship game of the 49ers, I was so cautiously, because I've like seen this before. We've had a game fully in control, looking good, and then You know, it just changes on a dime in the second half, there wasn't necessarily a call in the NFC Championship game with the 49ers that flipped it.

That's maybe why this is number one over the NFC Championship game.

Jacob Litton: Had they called, so if Vildora intercepts that ball and then they the flag that they threw, if they really called defensive pass interference, then it would have been 

Jason Harwood: Oh. 

Jacob Litton: done that level. Just reliving it.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, I agree with you. I didn't, I guess I hadn't even thought about that. 

God, no, I'm going to have to go on blood pressure medicine after this podcast. You know all the trials and tribulations of listening all this when we get to the promised land when [00:51:00] we get you know Stan Campbell puts it with the whole enchilada once we get that it's gonna you know, it's gonna be worth You know just fighting through all that, of course I want to win all these games I wish all these games would have turned out differently But, at the end of the day, when we get the whole thing, it's going to be like, okay, we've weathered the storm and now we're on top.

Hopefully it's this year,

I like our team. I like what's going to happen, We're in a 

Jacob Litton: great position to compete. 

Jason Harwood: Yeah, we started out the list moving pretty quickly, but as we got up on the list, it did get more and more painful. So, 

Jacob Litton: Yeah. 

Jason Harwood: I want to thank everyone for listening and during this list with us. I think this is just something that, we all, lived through, and that's, and that's okay.

This is just part of our history, part of the Lions history,

um, and I'm ready to move on.

Jacob Litton: bumming you out and now you just get to carry on the rest of your day. Hopefully you're not listening on your way to work or anything because now you just have to think about it all day long.

Jason Harwood: Yeah, so I want to point out that, if we've missed any other games, or if there's a game it's just [00:52:00] devastating to you for whatever reason. Get it off your chest, go on Twitter and go to our feed and tell us about it.

Or if we, just forgot an obvious one. Put it on there. We can all just, uh, commiserate together. So,

um, anything you want to add, Jacob? 

Jacob Litton: No, 

Jason Harwood: Are you going to be able to sleep tonight? You gotta go to work.

You've been off work for like two weeks. You gotta get up early for work. 

Jacob Litton: so have a way to send me off. 

Jason Harwood: I know exactly. I did this. I'm, I'm so evil. I'm on vacation and now I'm gonna, you're going to be up all night thinking about this. 

Jacob Litton: it tonight, huh? 

Jason Harwood: I know. I'm like, we need to do it tonight. And you're like, but I'm kind of busy. I want to get some sleep.

No, Jacob, we're doing this tonight.

Jacob Litton: We're doing it tonight. You're going to relive every terrible memory.

Jason Harwood: Sorry,

Jacob Litton: football related memories.

Jason Harwood: you better turn your notifications off because I'm going to be texting you throughout the night to 

Jacob Litton: they're already 

Jason Harwood: remember, remember that NFC championship game.

Jacob Litton: from you are always shut off. 

Jason Harwood: Yeah, that's good. I know that because you obviously ignore me all the time. All right, man. [00:53:00] For Jacob, I'm Jason. I know you can't have a good day because you had to listen to this podcast, but you know, I hope the rest of your week goes well.

All right, go lions.

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